04.11.2023–08.07.2024 MOSCOW, VDNH


The head of the Donetsk People’s Republic announced the participation of the region in RUSSIA EXPO

The head of the Donetsk People’s Republic announced the participation of the region in RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News

As was stated by Denis Pushilin, the abundant natural resources of Donbass, its huge industrial potential and human resources can attract the interest of many investors and partners.

"I believe that an undoubted benefit of the RUSSIA EXPO will become the exchange of practical experience and best practices, innovations and the achievements accumulated in the various corners of our large country. Russia is really a land of opportunities and it has been giving reasons for this assertion throughout time", — stressed the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

All 89 regions of the country are set to participate in the International RUSSIA EXPO. Every area intends to showcase the unique exposition presenting its achievements in various sectors.

In addition, the government agencies, corporations, public organizations and delegates from foreign countries will also be represented at the EXPO.

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