Inventing the Future

Bright traditions and the spirit of the Arctic region: Murmansk Region Day at the RUSSIA EXPO

Bright traditions and the spirit of the Arctic region: Murmansk Region Day at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Grigory Sysoev/RIA News

Learn the peculiarities of moving to the Arctic Circle, visit the production facilities of a large company and embroider with tin thread. This is only a small part of the events prepared by the Murmansk region on the Day of the Region at the RUSSIA EXPO.

Visitors could better understand the region, its history and traditions, assess its contribution to the development of the country thanks to lectures on the settlement of the Kola North, film screenings of Murmansk cinema: "Arctic Jazz", the series "Arctic Star", Boris Khlebnikov's harsh drama about a disaster at sea and in life "The Snowbird".

The guests were offered a consultation on moving to the Arctic region, as well as an opportunity to send a postcard with Polar illustrations by artist Varvara Ledneva. Another interesting activity was a virtual excursion to the production facilities of the Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company and Norilsk Nickel's marine fleet.

There were also fascinating masterclasses - embroidery with tin thread, making pancakes with reindeer moss and cloudberry jam, Teriberian soup and many others. The cultural program included performances of honored folk art groups - dance ensemble Joy, pop song ensemble Tonika, orchestra of the Northern Navy Fleet and ensemble Russian North, as well as a performance of the play about the history of the Kola Arctic region "Prologue".

The entire territory of the Murmansk region belongs to the land territories of the Arctic zone of our country and areas of the Far North. In 2022-2023, key federal investment decisions were made for the Murmansk region and major projects were completed.

Photo: Grigory Sysoev/RIA News

"This year, thanks to the support of the President, we achieved the adoption of the most important decisions for further systematic development of the Murmansk region and the Arctic zone as a whole. These are federal funding of the program for the renovation of closed administrative-territorial formations (ZATO), the extension of preferential mortgages at 2% to the territory of the Arctic zone and the definition of the list of Arctic base settlements. In the Murmansk region, these are the Murmansk, Kirov-Apatitskaya and Monchegorsk agglomerations. And we have started to develop master plans for them in order to receive funds from the federal budget for large-scale renovation of our cities after approval", — noted Andrey Chibis, Governor of the Murmansk region.

Andrey Malakhov, a TV presenter and the creator of the Radiance Center for Contemporary Art in Apatity, spoke on the Day of the Region. He talked about the transformations that have taken place in his native region and shared his opinion on the significance of the Exposition.

Photo: Grigory Sysoev/RIA News

"Today we see that the Murmansk region has changed a lot and has become more accessible. Previously, to get there, you had a beautiful but long train journey waiting for you. Now you can quickly get to Murmansk by airplane. The region has opened a large number of tourist centers and facilities, new industrial enterprises, the port is being reconstructed. Life is in full swing there", — said Andrey Malakhov.

The International RUSSIA EXPO is the most important achievements of the country gathered in one place. Throughout the entire time of the exposition, guests will be welcomed with cultural and entertainment events, a rich business and educational program. The expositions of 89 Russian regions, leading federal departments, corporations and public organizations are presented to the visitors.

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