Inventing the Future

Karelian wedding, meeting with Dasha Doshik and the Future Festival. More to come at the RUSSIA EXPO on April 14

Karelian wedding, meeting with Dasha Doshik and the Future Festival. More to come at the RUSSIA EXPO on April 14
Expo News
Photo: Kirill Zykov/Fotohost-RIA News agency

On April 14, guests of the exposition will find interesting events for the whole family. Visitors can learn more about golf, meet famous people, attend masterclasses and concerts.

Day of the Russian Golf Association

Guests will be treated to a sports warm-up, masterclasses from athletes of the Russian Golf Association and the National Student Golf Sports League, as well as a "Time to Play Golf" presentation session, during which speakers will talk about golf in Russia and upcoming competitions.

When: 12:00 - 16:00

Where: Pavilion C "Sport for Everyone" (Ministry of Sports of Russia)

Lecture by writer Dmitry Konanykhin "Idealists and Heroes in Modern Russian Literature". Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Writer, Radio Russia host, video blogger, engineer Dmitry Konanykhin will talk about his four novels and answer the question why the novel "Grandfathers and Great-grandfathers" about the generation of heroes of the Great Patriotic War was followed by the trilogy "Idealists" about the generation of builders of the Big Country.

When: 13:00 - 14:00

Where: Gazprom Pavilion F. Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Space fan meeting with bloggers

Space fan meeting with bloggers Dasha Doshik, Super Stas, Nansi & Sidorov, Nikita Sudar. They will give gifts and stickerpacks from VK to everyone who will post a photo from the Exposition on their VKontakte page with the hashtag #RUSSIAEXPO.

When: 13:00 - 17:00

Where: Space in front of Pavilion G " VK Meeting Place"

Creative meeting with director Oleg Kravchenko

Guests will be able to attend a creative meeting with Oleg Kravchenko. He is the one who directed the documentaries "The Living" and "The Age of the White Sea".

When: 13:00

Where: Pavilion I Rosneft

Wedding ceremony in the traditions of the Republic of Karelia

The future newlyweds will appear before the guests in traditional wedding costumes of Zaonezhye, and the ceremony itself will be held according to Russian folk traditions.

The bride will be tied a silk ribbon, which will then be handed over to the groom as a symbol of the bride's parting with her maiden freedom and transferring her freedom to her husband. The groom, in turn, will give gifts to the future spouse and her relatives. The young couple will be served a loaf with cups and their hands will be tied with a rushnik towel. Songs and round dances will be performed by the Russian song ensemble "Katyusha", a diploma winner and laureate of international and All-Russian contests and festivals.

When: 14:00 - 15:00

Where: Pavilion No. 75 (Hall A, Cultural Projects Zone)

Real drive in virtual reality. Lecture about Esports. Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Participants of the lecture will learn the secrets of streaming, immerse themselves in the world of Esports and commenting on online competitions. Famous streamer Alexei Pchelkin will answer questions and talk about his new projects.

When: 14:10 - 15:10

Where: Pavilion 19 ATOM. Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Vocalion Art Choir Solo Concert

Singers perform works in all genres - from cover versions of Russian and foreign hits to author's improvisations and opera arias. The founder of the Art Choir is Timur Bondarchuk, co-founder and conductor is Evgeny Spirin.

When: 15:00 - 16:00

Where: Pavilion D "Our Culture"

"Why the path of joy can be a manual for self-development". A conversation with archpriest and psychotherapist Grigory Grigoriev. Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Merited Doctor of Russia, archpriest and rector of the Church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist in Yukki Grigory Grigoriev will talk about the literary cycle "Wind of Joy", about the already published books "Gorodok Freedom", "What Dreams Bring Us", notes for the novel "The Master and Margarita" - "Three Days in the Moonlight" and the book "The Ghost of the Wormwood Star".

Engaged in literary work, Grigory Grigoriev continues to do a lot of work as a doctor-psychotherapist and priest, meeting people in need of help.

When: 15:00 - 16:00

Where: Gazprom Pavilion F. Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Land of Champions: Vic Wild on sports and life in Russia

In 2012, snowboarder Vic Wild decided to compete for the Russian national team. The Olympic champion, hero of Sochi 2014 and Beijing 2022 will tell why he moved to Russia, how his sporting career influenced his personal life and how he managed to create his own snowboarding school in Russia.

When: 15:15 - 16:15

Where: Pavilion 19 ATOM

Concert of the Future Festival

The concert will unite young and talented artists. The aim of the festival is to popularize and develop creative music industry in Russia, to create a unique musical community, which will become a real cultural platform, a place of inspiration and emergence of new musical names.

When: 17:00 - 20:00

Where: Main Street Stage

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