Inventing the Future

Place of power and Buddhist secrets of youth — Day of the Republic of Kalmykia at the RUSSIA EXPO

Place of power and Buddhist secrets of youth — Day of the Republic of Kalmykia at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Alexey Nikolsky/RIA News

At the exposition of the region, guests can learn about the iconic place of all Buddhists of the country — the Lone Poplar. This is a unique natural monument of all-Russian importance, which has become a place of worship and a symbol of the strength of spirit and faith of the Kalmyk people. According to legend, more than 100 years ago the tree was planted in Kalmykia by a Buddhist monk who received seeds from the Dalai Lama himself in Lhasa.

Opening the presentation of the region, the head of the Republic Batu Khasikov spoke about the prospects of the region.

"Kalmykia is a region with huge potential and great opportunities. But our most important wealth is people, talented, enterprising, not indifferent to the fate of their region, who work, create for the benefit of their republic. I thank our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for his attention to our region. Today we have the opportunity to develop along and equally with other subjects and receive support within the framework of national projects and programs", — said the Head of the Republic of Kalmykia Batu Khasikov.

Photo: Alexey Nikolsky/RIA News

At the exposition of Pavilion C "Family. Work. Longevity" project "Active Longevity" was launched in the Republic of Kalmykia. Here visitors to the RUSSIA EXPO can practice breathing exercises at master classes and learn about the Buddhist secrets of prolonging youth.

Kalmykia is a region where people really know and love cooking meat dishes. This is demonstrated by Kalmyk chefs at the gastronomic performance "Taste of Kalmykia. There is no such thing as too much meat" in the House of Russian Cuisine.

Photo: Alexey Nikolsky/RIA News

For the youngest visitors of the RUSSIA EXPO a screening of the movie "Heavenly Camel" is scheduled — it is a kind, sincere and touching picture against the backdrop of the Kalmyk steppe by director Yuri Feting. The movie premiered at the Berlin Film Festival. The author of the script is a native of Kalmykia, Elzitta Mandzhieva.

The International RUSSIA EXPO is the most important achievements of the country gathered in one place. During the whole period of the Exposition, guests are welcomed with cultural and entertainment events, a rich business and educational program. The expositions of 89 Russian regions, leading federal departments, corporations and public organizations are presented to the visitors. The International RUSSIA EXPO is held at VDNH in Moscow from November 4, 2023 to April 12, 2024.

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