Inventing the Future

Atom pavilion opened at VDNH

Atom pavilion opened at VDNH
Expo News
Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich/RIA News

The new Atom pavilion has started its work at VDNH. During the International RUSSIA EXPO, it will be possible to learn about the development of the country’s nuclear industry — from its emergence to the present day. The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak, Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kirienko, Director General of Rosatom State Corporation Alexei Likhachev, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gennady Krasnikov.

Foreign guests also took part: IAEA Deputy Director General Hua Liu, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus Viktor Karankevich, diplomatic representatives of Belarus, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Hungary, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, UAE, Rwanda, Ethiopia and South Africa.

Alexander Novak reminded that the nuclear industry has long ensured Russia’s security and sovereignty, as well as reliable energy supply.

"The Atom pavilion, we are in today, is the largest exposition of nuclear power, and here everybody will have an opportunity to learn about the great past, present and future of our nuclear industry", — Alexander Novak emphasized.

In turn, Sergei Sobyanin noted that together with Sergei Kirienko he was engaged in the revival of the industry. There were many problems, but they had been successfully overcome.

"And today the corporation is one of the leading in the world. I believe that it is the best in the world. And I really wanted Rosatom to be duly represented at the Exposition of Achievements of National Economy, here at the renewed site", — the mayor of the capital added.

The area of the new pavilion exceeds 25 thousand square meters, it is seven-storied, three floors are located underground. The pavilion can accommodate up to two thousand visitors at a time. By the way, exhibits placed here will be really interesting, for example: nuclear reactor F-1, bomb RDS-1 and Tsar Bomba.

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