Inventing the Future

Premiere of the movie "Thank You, Dear!" - Matsuev, Beroev, Valieva talk about Russia

Premiere of the movie "Thank You, Dear!" - Matsuev, Beroev, Valieva talk about Russia
Expo News
Photo: Kristina Kormilitsyna/Fotohost-RIA News agency

The RUSSIA EXPO hosted the premiere screening of the documentary "Thank You, Dear!" by Dmitry Khrustalev and director Ekaterina Kozhakina. This is the history of modern Russia through the eyes of doctors, teachers, builders, cultural and sports stars. The organizers of the exposition initiated the creation of the film, it is available for viewing on the site

"The movie is about our Motherland. And the whole exposition is about our Motherland and the fact that it is impossible not to be proud of and admire it. When we started to make the exposition there was only a small team, but then it turned into the whole country. I want to bow to the people who defend our country, who are an example for us. I want to thank our Motherland for being such a wonderful country, for the fact that we were born here, that we live, dream and that we are so happy and everything works out for us. Thank you, my dear!" - said Natalia Virtuozova, Director General of the ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia"».

Director Konstantin Bogomolov, who also attended the premiere, shared his impressions of the Exposition:

"I see enthusiastic faces, I see that entire families come. I myself plan to bring my daughter here, because there is an incredible number of activities for children and families. All this has been created in a fantastically short time - by the enthusiasm and energy of an amazing team of people", - concluded Konstantin Bogomolov.

The project participants - pianist Denis Matsuev, Olympic champion Kamila Valieva, singer Shaman, actor Yegor Beroev, cosmonaut Sergei Kud-Sverchkov and others - through their own stories demonstrate that Russia today is a country of opportunities.

 "We have actually made the movie in three, three and a half months. First, we wrote the script, we thought how to encompass the immense, because Russia is huge. We came up with a concept that famous people come to their native land, and through their love for their hometown, region, shows their love for the country, its dynamic development and change. And then, bit by bit, piece by piece, we assembled this puzzle - and the movie was created", - said Dmitry Khrustalev.

The movie "Thank You, Dear" focuses on small details of life, which make up the essence of the concept of Motherland for each person, said actor Yegor Beroev.

"The movie consists of artifacts of our lives - everyone has these corners, streets, yards, places where we studied, worked. Our Motherland is in these pieces of our life. I think that after watching this film, viewers will be able to remember their land, understand how valuable it is to us", - said actor Yegor Beroev.

Figure skater Kamila Valieva noted that she was happy to be part of such a wonderful project as the movie "Thank You, Dear".

"It was immensely pleasant to come to my hometown, remember my childhood and show the audience how the city has transformed in recent years. I am proud of my country", - the athlete said.

The International RUSSIA EXPO is the most important achievements of the country gathered in one place. Visitors are presented expositions of 89 regions of Russia, leading federal departments, corporations and public organizations - a total of 131 participants. The International RUSSIA EXPO is held from November 4 to April 12 on the territory of VDNH in Moscow and has already been visited by more than 2 million people since its opening.

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