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Fish market opens at RUSSIA EXPO

Fish market opens at RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News

Visitors to the Exposition can enjoy the bounty of the sea and purchase fish products. From May 24 to June 2, the Fish Market will be open for guests at Industry Square.

The temporary fish fair will be set up in five tents. In three tents, producers will present a variety of fish products to suit all tastes, and in the other two, fish restaurants will be open. Additionally, visitors can admire art objects – lighthouses decorated with flowers, and children's activities will be organized for young guests.

Operating hours: 11:00 – 21:00. The market will be open every day from May 24 to June 2, including Monday, which is a technical day at the RUSSIA EXPO.

We remind you that you can also try the most delicious fish and seafood dishes at the "House of Russian Cuisine" Pavilion. Additionally, fish products from all over the country are brought to the Farmers Fair. The assortment changes weekly, but red fish delicacies are always available.

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