Inventing the Future

Sergei Kiriyenko met with families participating in the All-Russian Family Forum Dear — Loved Ones

Sergei Kiriyenko met with families participating in the All-Russian Family Forum Dear — Loved Ones
Expo News
Photo: Kirill Zykov/RIA News

First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Kiriyenko visited the All-Russian Family Forum Dear — Loved Ones, which is taking place at the International RUSSIA EXPO venue, and met with family dynasties from different regions of the country.

In the Regions of Russia pavilion, Sergei Kiriyenko joined the participants of the Connoisseurs of the Motherland track of the Dynasties of Russia contest, which is held as part of the family forum. The contestants introduced the guests of the exposition to the traditions of their regions, told about the cultural and historical features of their small homeland.

A large family of Sergienko-Yeliseevs from the Lugansk People's Republic shared their story. The mother — Marina Sergienko — is a teacher of history and social studies, and her husband Vasily Yeliseev serves in the zone of special military operation.

"We believe that the sense of patriotism should be instilled from a young age, so that children know how important it is to stand up in defence of their Motherland and their family in a difficult moment," said Marina Sergienko during the excursion. She told that there are five children in their family, they are engaged in the children's art school and actively participate in the Movement of the First. The forum Dear – Loved Ones became a great opportunity for the family to show their talents and get acquainted with families from other regions of Russia. Together they performed a song dedicated to the Lugansk land.

Families from Mari El and Chuvashia also presented stands of their republics. The Shabdarov family came to the forum from the Mari backland. "There are seven children in our family: four girls and triplet boys, who received the names of Russian bogatyrs - Ilya, Nikita and Alexey. Our family is a creative one. The boys perform in the Triplets ensemble, which won the Future of Russia National Prize," shared the head of the family Sergey Shabdarov.

The Semyonov family from Chuvashia is represented by three generations at the forum. They gave a tour in national costumes and spoke to the guests of the forum about the sights and traditions of the republic. "We consider the greatest achievement not only of Chuvashia, but in general of our country to be the embroidered map of Russia, which we collected from all regions, and it is great that, having united in this embroidery, we are united here at the All-Russian Family Forum," said Alevtina Semyonova. 

Photo: Kirill Zykov/RIA News

 Sergei Kiriyenko also visited the House of Russian Cuisine, where participants of the contest track Family Recipes competed in cooking traditional dishes. The Votintsev family from Udmurtia treated the visitors of the exposition to a national dish - perepechi with cabbage. Together with the Votintsevs the perepechi were cooked by the large family of Koryakins. They bring up five children. Professional chefs of the House of Russian Cuisine help the families with cooking.

In the Home of Youth, where within the framework of the Dear — Loved Ones forum competition track Jack of All Trades is held, the guests were met by a large family of Bichevins from the Irkutsk region. There are nine children in the family, and they all came to the forum together. And the head of the family with 48 years of experience from the Republic of Adygea Zaurbiy Zekhov told that his large and friendly family last year became the winner of one of the nominations of the regional stage of the Family of the Year contest. "Family is the foundation of everything. The Motherland begins with the family. A good, strong family is a strong country!" said the head of the Zekhov family.

Sergei Kiriyenko thanked the families for their active participation in the forum, creative performances and touching stories. The contest Dynasties of Russia of the Dear – Loved Ones forum will continue until January 22 and will end with the concert program Family Talent Show, during which the dynasties will present their creative numbers.

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