Inventing the Future

Predators and robots: 5 animals you should see at the RUSSIA EXPO

Predators and robots: 5 animals you should see at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Maxim Blinov/RIA News

Tame a robotic dog and talk to a dinosaur, take pictures with polar bears — all this is possible in Pavilion No. 75 of VDNH, where Russian regions presented their achievements.

Robo-dog Cody

No matter how much we love dogs, we should admit that a four-legged friend can hardly surprise anyone. It is another matter if it is a robotic dog. An unusual pet can be found near the stand of the Novosibirsk region.

Charming smart «hardware» can perform simple commands — for example, "sit" and «come here», and also recognizes a person, runs to get acquainted and even wags its "tail". Cody is being programmed by students of the Institute of Intelligent Robotics at Novosibirsk State University.

Dinosaur Gosha

Regional expositions are not only about technology and robotics, but also about love for native lands, nature and all living creatures. Even if they lived 260 million years ago. So don’t be surprised if you see a dinosaur at the Kirov region’s stand. Prehistoric lizard Pareiasaurus lived on the territory of present-day Vyatka in large numbers.

One of them was brought to the RUSSIA EXPO as an animatronic, which exactly replicates the appearance of its living prototype. Pareiasaurus Gosha seems to be dozing in anticipation of visitors, but it is enough to approach or touch him so that he opens his eyes to greet his new friends.

"Gosha was created here, in the Kirov region, especially for the exposition. This is the development of an animatronics company, one of the few in the country", — booth attendant Egor Sigin clarified.

Amur tiger

The red-listed Amur tiger can be seen at the stand of the Far East. A corridor with a huge curved screen was specially created for it at the exposition.

The animal is digital, but very authentic. It strolls amiably through the snow-covered taiga, and guests can admire it and take spectacular photos.

Polar bears

Beautiful pictures can also be taken at the stand of Yamal, where visitors are greeted by polar bears. The animatronic dolls, of course, are smaller than real bears, but standing on their hind legs they look quite natural. Besides, they can growl and try to bite children’s fingers. But do not worry about curious kids — bears are absolutely safe.

A cow that can be milked

Rural residents will not be surprised by a cow, but city dwellers are always happy to meet this calm animal with big beautiful eyes. And milking a cow is a real adventure. The Kirov region, which is famous for its dairy production, offered such an opportunity at its stand.

As a result, there is no shortage of people willing to try on the profession of a milkmaid. But not everyone can boast of record milk yields. Though the cow is not real, the milking process is made as realistic as possible, so you will need patience and skill.

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