04.11.2023–08.07.2024 MOSCOW, VDNH


The people of Russia will select the achievements of their regions to be represented at RUSSIA EXPO

The people of Russia will select the achievements of their regions to be represented at RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News

Within the International RUSSIA EXPO there will be a nationwide voting on selection of the achievements of the regions. The winning projects will be represented on the regional show stands.

As part of preparation work for the International RUSSIA EXPO the all-national project "Achievements.RF" is starting. Its aim is to showcase the most important achievements of the country in various sectors of the economy including industry, power engineering, agro-industrial complex, transport, construction, science and culture, present the positive experience for development of the regions in the country and promote and strengthen the national unity.

The main platform for the project will be the web-site "Achievements.RF" where the largest regional projects and achievements of the areas will be collected.

It is planned that the voting will start in July and last until October, 2023 inclusive.

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