Inventing the Future

Press office of the ANO "More than a Trip"

Press office of the ANO "More than a Trip"
Expo News

At the RUSSIA EXPO, more than 250 families were awarded with tours around the country thanks to the Rosmolodezh program.

One thousand participants of the All-Russian Family Forum Dear - Loved Ones will go on useful, active trips across Russia thanks to the Rosmolodezh program More than a Trip. In total, more than 250 families received this opportunity.

Certificates were awarded to outstanding family dynasties at the Knowledge.Lecture Hall platform at the RUSSIA EXPO.

"Commitment to family values is the key to the successful development of the state. It is in the family that elders instill in children respect for traditions, spiritual and moral guidelines and love for the Motherland. One of the ways to strengthen the ties between generations is to travel together in your native country. This is a great way not only to get to know the place where you live and its peculiarities better, but also to get to know each other and your family members better, to do good and useful deeds. In early May, together with the More Than a Trip program, we will also open a new hiking season and hope that hundreds of thousands of parents and children all over the country will join the hiking routes along numerous well-maintained trails," said Ksenia Razuvaeva, Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh).

The Dynasties of Russia contest was held in five areas: Connoisseurs of the Motherland, Family talent show, Knowledge.Game "Linking Generations", Family Recipes and Jack of All Trades.

The Makurin family of hereditary teachers from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra became one of the participants in the Connoisseurs of the Motherland nomination, in which contestants had to present an informative excursion about their region.

"The prize in the form of a trip across the country from the More than a Trip program was a pleasant surprise for us. We like to travel around Russia as a family, now we are thinking about going to Baikal or Altai," Alena Makurina shared her plans.

According to her, the forum gave the family bright emotions from communication with talented dynasties from all over the country.

"We learned a lot of new things about Russia, participated in masterclasses. In our excursion about our small homeland, we represented both the Area and Surgut district, told about our hinterland. The whole family prepared informative videos and booklets with our poems, which intertwined the history of our settlement, district and area. All this helped to present Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area from different sides," said the contestant.

Another dynasty that participated in the Connoisseurs of the Motherland track is the Damdyn family from the Republic of Tuva.

"The news that we received a family trip under the More than a Trip program made us very happy. All generations of Damdyns love traveling around the country, where we strengthen family ties and get to know Russia from new sides. We don't know yet where we will go with the certificate, we will discuss it in the family circle - whether we will go to the East or to the European part of the Motherland," said Dolaana Damdyn.

In a tour of the republic's stand, three generations of the family talked about the culture, traditions and customs of the region.

"We were dressed in national costumes, showed throat singing technique, our folk instruments, attributes of the national dwelling - yurts. Three generations of our family - 10 people - came to the exposition. Grandparents delivered a lecture to the guests, younger family members organized a thematic game: we tried to make everything both interesting and accessible for those who are not familiar with the history of Tuva," Dolaana added.

The All-Russian Family Forum is the first event of the Year of the Family in Russia, announced by President Vladimir Putin. The forum has become a space that unites dynasties from all over the country, a place for co-creation of children and adults. Thematic masterclasses, excursions and tastings of national dishes were held for guests at VDNH. Families from 89 regions of Russia - professional dynasties, families with many children, young and adoptive families, families of heroes of Russia and veterans of the SMO - became participants of the Dynasties of Russia contest, where they demonstrated their skills and shared their knowledge about their small homeland.

It is worth reminding that on January 22, the RUSSIA EXPO launched a series of family routes from the guides of the More than a Trip program, timed to coincide with the Year of the Family. Residents of the country will be able to have an active vacation with their loved ones and learn about the traditions of the country's peoples and their family customs at the same time. To learn the details of the tour routes and to register for them, please visit the official website of the RUSSIA EXPO.

The forum is organized by the Movement of the First, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh), the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation (Mintrud of Russia), the Russian Society "Knowledge" and the ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia"» with the support of the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Ministry of Sport of Russia, the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA Russia). The event's partners are Sber, Russian Railways, state corporations Rosatom and Roscosmos, Lukoil, Gazprom, VK and other companies.

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