Inventing the Future

Lunch of a highlander or breakfast of a Far Easterner: how to eat deliciously and inexpensively at VDNH

Lunch of a highlander or breakfast of a Far Easterner: how to eat deliciously and inexpensively at VDNH
Expo News
Photo: Kirill Zykov/RIA News

The RUSSIA EXPO is not only expositions, lectures and masterclasses, but also a unique opportunity to go on a real gastronomic journey. We will tell you how to taste delicacies from all over the country for reasonable money.

You can fully enjoy the original cuisine of the regions in Pavilion K - Food hall House of Russian Cuisine. The food here is restaurant-quality and there are plenty of hearty, tasty and affordable options. For example, the Murmansk region offers an Arctic Breakfast with a loaf of bread, lightly salted trout and an omelet, which will cost guests 450 rubles. Meanwhile, Far Eastern breakfast - a large sandwich with chum salmon and coho salmon - costs a little more - 490 rubles. It is served in Kamchatka.

For a snack, Karelian kalitki pastries and Udmurt perepechi pies for 150 rubles are ideal, as well as hearty Tula kalachi for 320 rubles: with beef and mushrooms or duck with berries. And if you are really hungry, then go to Dagestan. Highlander’s Lunch will cost 450 rubles. Guests will be served the soup of the day, chuda - a flatbread with filling, bread and a drink. And for breakfast here you can eat a large portion of porridge with dried apricots for 260 rubles.

Let us remind you that at the RUSSIA EXPO you can also get a set lunch of 5 delicious dishes for only 150 rubles. To do this, you need to sign up for a tasting in Pavilion No. 51, where the Ministry of Agriculture presented its exposition. And if you prefer simple dishes familiar from childhood, then go to the Novo-Prostokvashino farm, where you can always enjoy belyashi for 30 rubles and blueberry donuts for 15.

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