Inventing the Future

Almost 1.8 thousand children from the Yaroslavl region will visit the RUSSIA EXPO until April 2024

Almost 1.8 thousand children from the Yaroslavl region will visit the RUSSIA EXPO until April 2024
Expo News

The trip to Moscow is organized as part of the planned visit to VDNH by schoolchildren and students of vocational education organizations of the Yaroslavl region.

According to Irina Loboda, Minister of Education of the Yaroslavl region, the RUSSIA EXPO will help the children to learn more about the country's history, its opportunities and progressive achievements in science, culture, industry, energy, construction and transportation.

"The exposition has already been visited by 500 young residents of the region: 350 schoolchildren from Rostov and Tutaev districts, 50 students of Tutaev Polytechnic College, 100 activists of youth and children's public associations," Loboda added.

The students of Tutaev Polytechnic College visited the multimedia gallery of Russia's achievements: they walked through a huge tunnel resembling a collider, where the brightest achievements of the country in different spheres are collected on interactive installations in the format of an audio-visual show. The lads also got acquainted with the exposition Regions of Russia.

"We really enjoyed everything a lot! Emotions are overflowing! The exposition is huge, there are a lot of fantastic locations that represent the regions of Russia. I loved the Collider pavilion, it's very interesting outside and inside. There are a lot of cool photo zones," shared student Victoria Burmistrova.

It is planned that a total of 1750 children will visit the RUSSIA EXPO from November to April, 200 of them this year.
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