Inventing the Future

"Angara-A5" rocket the size of a needle's eye will be assembled at the RUSSIA EXPO

"Angara-A5" rocket the size of a needle's eye will be assembled at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Evgeny Biyatov/RIA News

A famous micro-miniaturist is going to surprise the public again. He will create another masterpiece at the International RUSSIA EXPO.

The exposition where the achievements of all 89 regions will be presented starts on November 4 at VDNH. Builders are already assembling stands that will surely offer a lot to please and entertain guests.

"They have such a creative impulse! Of course, now every region is thinking how to surprise", — says Natalia Virtuozova, director general of the ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia"».

There are a lot of interesting things planned. For example, a traditional wedding in Chuvashia, colourful Scythian costumes of the inhabitants of the Valley of the Kings from Tuva, menhirs from Khakassia — these are giant statues from the depths of centuries.

And artist Anatoly Konenko from Omsk will assemble Russia’s smallest model of "Angara-A5" rocket before the eyes of VDNH guests. Now the master is preparing details for his future creation. According to the artist, the rocket should fit into the eye of a needle, and therefore it is important to calculate the size of the parts correctly. The miniature will be about 8 mm in size.

The material for the artist’s miniature was elephant tusk, which lends itself well to sharpening. "Angara-A5" is chosen as a model for a reason. These rockets are produced in Omsk. By the way, a full-size model of the rocket will be presented at the exposition as well.

Earlier, Anatoly Konenko got into the Russian Book of Records for making the smallest origami paper ship from a 5 × 8 mm paper. The artist is also known for making real 1.5-millimetre dumplings.

The International RUSSIA EXPO will be held in Moscow at the VDNH from November 4, 2023 to April 12, 2024. Each region of the Russian Federation will present its stand, where it will introduce visitors to key achievements in various sectors. Federal authorities, representatives of large corporations and public associations will also take part in the exposition.

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