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Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko praised the Perm region stand at the RUSSIA EXPO

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko praised the Perm region stand at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News

He recommended Russians to visit the exposition of achievements.

The Perm region stand at the RUSSIA EXPO at VDNH was visited by Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and supervisor of the Volga Federal District, together with Igor Komarov, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District.

The region's technical achievements were presented by Aleksey Chernikov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Perm region. "Our stand is high-tech. At the exposition we will present the achievement of Perm robotics - Ardi. It has 600 facial micro-expressions, it can emotionally recite poetry, and just yesterday it started to sing, - said Aleksey Chernikov. - Of course, we couldn't leave out industrial achievements, our rich nature, and the hospitality of Permians. You can learn about all of this inside the cinema rooms with special effects".

The guests were introduced to the humanoid robot Ardi, who greeted everyone personally.

Sharing his impressions of what he saw at the exposition, Dmitry Chernyshenko urged the guests of VDNH to come to the Perm region's stand and meet Ardi in person. "Gathering Russia's main achievements on one platform is a unique initiative of President Vladimir Putin. By visiting the largest exposition in the modern history of the country, everyone can learn about its successes and plans for the future," said Deputy Prime Minister.

Igor Komarov assessed the preparation of each of the regions of the Volga Federal District: " It is an impressive exposition. The regions have managed to fulfil the President's assignment to organize the exposition in a high-quality way. Visiting the expositions of each of the regions, you can see that they have taken this assignment with heart, with creativity and very responsibly. In each exposition we see its uniqueness. They are so different that it causes admiration. There is favorable background for this, because of the unique and diverse regions in the Volga Federal District".

Earlier, the Governor of the Perm region Dmitry Makhonin, while opening the Day of the Region, pointed out that participation in the exposition is a great opportunity to show the achievements of the entire state in one place. Representatives of constituent entities, departments, state corporations, and all residents of the country can do so.

The RUSSIA EXPO was opened in Moscow at the VDNH on 4 November and will run until 12 April. All regions of the country, federal ministries and corporations take part in it.
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