Russian TV companies, news agencies, online media resources, print media, and radio must provide the following when applying for accreditation:
a scan of a signed application for accreditation on the company's official letterhead. You can download the application here. Fill in all the required information, indicate the list of employees to be accredited, have it signed by the head of the organization, and put a seal if available.
a scan of a certificate of current media registration with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media.
Foreign media, as well as bloggers and press services, must provide:
a scan of a signed application for accreditation on the company's official letterhead. Fill in all the required data, indicate the list of employees to be accredited, have the head of the organization sign it, and put a seal if available.
Consider the following positions and quotas when filling out the application:
TV company — up to 20 people, including the editor-in-chief, correspondent, cameraman, technical staff;
news agency — up to 20 people, including the editor-in-chief, correspondent, photographer, cameraman, technical staff;
online media resource — up to 18 people, including the editor-in-chief, correspondent, photographer, cameraman;
print publication — up to 14 people, including the editor-in-chief, correspondent, photographer;
radio — up to 8 people, including the editor-in-chief, correspondent, technical staff;
press service — up to 5 people, including the press secretary, correspondent, photographer, cameraman, technical staff;
blog — up to 3 people.
Please, indicate the personal email address of the person responsible for accreditation from the organization. If the organization’s application is confirmed, access to the personal account in the accreditation system will be sent to this email, where it is necessary to enter the employees’ data.
The Directorate reserves the right to decline an accreditation application of a media outlet or certain representatives of the media outlet without giving reasons. Hide detailed description