Inventing the Future

Federal Agency for Youth Affairs

The Home of Youth is a house where you are welcome. A house of opportunities, inspiration and victories. The doors of this House are always open - to every young person in our country. The Home of Youth is dedicated to the achievements, opportunities and projects that have been presented to the young generation of Russia for the last decades.
The Home of Youth will introduce visitors to the wide variety of opportunities for self-realization available to young people today. They will learn how such a space of utility and creation drives young people to victories: helps them to develop talents, fulfill dreams, unite in communities, achieve success in career, hobbies, life. And together we build the future of our country. The exposition is united by the idea of growing up through all the directions of Rosmolodezh (Federal Agency for Youth Affairs), which cover people up to 35 years old.
The exposition design concept is based on the rooms of one house, which are associatively linked to thematic tracks: "Rosmolodezh.Good", "Rosmolodezh.Career", "Rosmolodezh.Business", "Rosmolodezh.+World", "Rosmolodezh.Technology", "Rosmolodezh.Creative", "Rosmolodezh.Impact" and the Rosmolodezh program "Rospatriot".
Home begins with childhood. That is why the starting point is the Children's Room, where the guest's "life path" begins. Education takes a special place in the formation of a person: the "grown up" guest gets to the Home Class, dedicated to modern directions of learning development. Every person is a creator of their own life, and they need a space for creation: the Workshop. Here young people form new cultural trends, determine the development of culture and art of the future.
As in any home, there is a Kitchen, where the whole family gathers around the table for heartfelt and warm conversations. The space is filled with coziness, opportunities to show empathy and benefit the community. In the courtyard of our Home there is a Winter Garden: here each of the "housemates" feels a special unity with nature. The Veranda of the Home of Youth is a window to the outside world, a zone of cross-border and transcultural connections. Not far from the Veranda there is the Garage - a place where hobbies become a life's work. Then the guest proceeds to solving the most difficult problems in the Study, where ideas are born and real discoveries are made. One of the final stages of the journey through the Home will be a visit to the Library - the data archive of Rosmolodezh. The Living Room in the heart of the Pavilion will be the central point of the exposition and the place where guests will gather around the hearth - the key art object of the Home of Youth, which will change in sync with the change of the main theme of the month, reflecting its values and meanings.
Photo: Rosmolodezh
Photo: Rosmolodezh
Photo: Rosmolodezh
Photo: Rosmolodezh

Audio Guides

1. Welcome Home
1 minute 21 seconds
2. Children's Room
1 minute 35 seconds
3. Game Room
1 minute 19 seconds
4. Home Classroom
2 minutes 45 seconds
5. Workshop
1 minute 29 seconds
6. Kitchen
1 minute 49 seconds
7. Winter Garden
1 minute 5 seconds
8. Veranda
1 minute 15 seconds
9. Garage
32 seconds
10. Office
1 minute 27 seconds
11. Library
57 seconds
1. Welcome Home
Hello, dear friend, and welcome Home! You are in the heart of the exhibition - the Home of Youth, Pavilion 55.

It is dedicated to every young person in our country, the achievements, opportunities, and projects that have been opening up for the younger generation in recent decades.

Here, you can explore the diversity of what will help you develop your talents, fulfill your dreams, join communities, advance in your career, hobbies, and life. Together, we build the future of our country every day.

The exhibition is united by the idea of growing up through all the directions of Rosmolodezh, which cover people up to 35 years old. Let's take a walk through the rooms of the Home of Youth!

In any home, the first thing you enter is a corridor, and our home is no exception – it's the place to immerse yourself in the theme of the pavilion and the main theme of the month. Here, you'll learn about the concept of the Home of Youth and its inhabitants – the creators of achievements. These people live among us, and they have succeeded in their fields. A video will introduce you to the main theme, a recurring motif that runs through the entire exhibition.

We invite you to move on; follow the arrows on the floor towards the Children's Room, the room to the right of the screen.
2. Children's Room
You are in the Children's Room. This is where "growing up" begins. Often, the path to realization is laid in our childhood, and in this area you will learn about state programs that help children bring their dreams to life.

Cats Vzhukh and Malevich welcome you to the Children's Room. Vzhukh and Malevich are characters from an online game for participants in a large-scale competition for schoolchildren called “Bolshaya peremena”. Cats always come to the rescue in challenging situations and are ready to provide guidance and support you at all stages of the competition. You can get a sticker pack by participating in the "Bolshaya peremena" contest.

The "Bolshaya peremena" is a project for those who are ready to change themselves and the world around them. It brings together schoolchildren and students from all over Russia. Every person from different parts of our vast country gets a unique opportunity to make themselves heard! Participants also have the opportunity to get to know their country and discover new regions.

Take a look at the map and the train model that travels around the country with the "Bolshaya peremena". We're sure that even adults would want to take such a trip. But more on that later.

The people around us have a significant influence on a growing person, and here, you can meet important individuals – mentors, teachers, team members, friends of the participants, and see the achievements of the winners from previous seasons of the competition. Now, we invite you to the Game Room.
3. Game Room
You've entered the Game Room - the area of the student project "Tvoy khod" or in English "Your move". This is a space where time transforms into an opportunity for yourself, friends, loved ones, your university, city, and country.
Here you can read the success stories of the competition winners and participate in the interactivity of the Expert Center "Tvoy khod" - express your opinion and see if it matches the views of students who have participated in the project's surveys. Use the buttons and the screen with questions for this.

Not long ago, our country lacked a unified community of students, and there was a lack of coordination among experts involved in educational and extracurricular activities. But today, "Tvoy khod" unites 1.5 million students and effectively collaborates with 600 partner universities. In the future, over 3.5 million students from higher and secondary educational institutions will be integrated into the "Tvoy khod" ecosystem.
In the "Living and Creating in Russia" zone, students' developments are showcased. Use your tactile skills to learn more about them. After that, we invite you to enter the Home Classroom. Follow the arrows.
4. Home Classroom
Dear friend, welcome to the Home Classroom. "Back to school" – you might think of it with some sadness. But don't be disappointed just yet. This is not just a classroom; it's a place where the atmosphere of our year-round educational centers prevails. This means that there are not just lessons here, but also cool masterclasses, top lecturers, new friends, and unforgettable experiences. We invite you to take a seat at the desks and learn more about the centers.

Intensive programs for young professionals in the fields of education, culture, child-rearing, management, and much more take place at the year-round educational centers.
Start with the desk of the Youth Historical and Cultural Center "Istoki". An interactive textbook is waiting for you there with greetings from mentors, and the wheel of traditions will help you learn interesting facts about the customs of Russia.

The next desk is for the "Senesh" Management Workshop. It is an additional educational center for training managers in three key areas: government, business, and society. In "Senesh," we develop the country's human capital – leaders ready to respond to the challenges of the times and discover new opportunities. Take the "What Kind of Leader Are You?" test and find out which "Senesh" program suits you best.

At the desk of the "Mashuk" Knowledge Center for educators and teachers, educational advisors, school directors, lecturers, vice-rectors, and rectors, everyone who teaches and is involved in education is welcome. "Mashuk's" mission is "we teach those who teach." In the center, the Year of the Teacher and Mentor officially began. Graduates of the programs included not only teachers, but also sports coaches, tour guides, journalists, and workplace mentors.
Over the course of a year, the “Mashuk” Knowledge Center hosted more than 80 educational programs for 15 thousand participants.
A special place here is occupied by the wall “Teaching those who teach,” on which photographs of mentors are hung.

Don't be in a hurry to leave the Home Classroom. After all, education is not just about lessons, but also practice. That's why we invite you to try one of six professions – a builder, a passenger car conductor, a chef, an operator, a medical worker, and a camp counselor. The VR quest "Hard Work" was created with the support of Grants of Rosmolodyozh (we'll tell you more about it later) and helps you dive into the basics of a profession. Let's move on to the Workshop.
5. Workshop
Welcome to the Workshop! As we grow up, we create the future! It's crucial on this journey to find a space for realizing your ideas, and the Tavrida Art Cluster opens up a whole platform of possibilities for that. The Workshop is a space where you are free to create. A space where you'll learn about creative directions and projects of Rosmolodyozh.

Today, "Tavrida" represents festivals, educational trips, a casting platform, a practice center, the "Legends of Tavrida" award, and much more. The educational trips of "Tavrida" are the largest gathering of creative youth in Russia. Since 2015, they have brought together over 25,000 young creators and more than 3,500 experts in creative industries.

We're sure you've already noticed the collection of vinyl records. Take a closer look; they feature the pseudonyms of the residents with QR codes leading to their songs on Yandex.Music. Shall we listen to a couple? Perhaps you'll be the next member of the "Tavrida.Art" label.

We invite you to spend some more time in the interactive zone, where you can customize clothing yourself. Use the tools and materials on the table for this.

Continue your journey through the Home of Youth (by the way, you've already settled in here; do you feel at home? We're sure you do. Let's find the fridge. It's definitely in the Kitchen!
6. Kitchen
Dear friend, you've entered the Kitchen! This is the warmest place in the Home where the projects of the Dobro of Rosmolodyozh direction and the All-Russian action #MYVMESTE (мы вместе) (or in English WEARETOGETHER) demonstrates how you can benefit society and engage in social activities. The All-Russian mutual assistance project #MYVMESTE has been consolidating the volunteer movement in Russia, non-profit organizations, and businesses to help those in need since 2020. As part of the project, 3,516 #MYVMESTE headquarters have been established and are operating in 89 regions of the Russian Federation.

In the Kitchen, you can not only learn about the work of volunteers who are involved in preserving historical and cultural sites, assisting the families of servicemen and Heroes of the Soviet Union, children from orphanages, residents of nursing homes and hospices, animals, participating in disaster relief, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. You can also become part of the country's large volunteer team, which already includes over 21 million people.

Inside the drawers, fridge, and stove in the Kitchen, there are... not food, but various items that volunteers crafted for those in need. These items contain information about who worked on them and where they were sent.

If you want to help and surround yourself with kindness, you can right now, in the "Kindness Exchange" zone, leave a postcard with wishes or take one from an anonymous author. Even better, register on the dobro.rf (добро.рф) platform on the interactive screen and join volunteer projects.
Now, it's time for a stroll. Let's go to the Winter Garden.
7. Winter Garden
You are in the Winter Garden, a place that teaches you to love nature and how to contribute to its preservation. This is a place of conscious choices and unity with nature.

Need a little activity? The eco-bike will help you not only burn calories but also learn about the importance of recycling. The bike is synchronized with a machine that recycles plastic. The device uses plastic caps for recycling, from which other items are made. Shall we pedal together?

In the Winter Garden, you can also take an "Eco-quest" and learn to lead a more eco-friendly lifestyle. You can also feel like part of the wild by looking at the world through the eyes of animals.

Next, we'll continue our journey through the Kamchatka volcanoes and Lake Baikal to learn about the All-Russian environmental movement "Ecosystem" and the youth camp "Eco.Chekh." (Эко.Цех)

Now, we invite you to connect with nature even more. Here, you can take off your shoes and walk along the eco-trail. Dear friend, now let's follow the arrows towards the Veranda.
8. Veranda
You are on the Veranda. The Veranda is our window to the outside world. Traveling is one of the main motivations for young people, an opportunity to discover new things and develop. Here, you become part of a community united by the thirst for adventure.

Start your journey with interesting stories and impressions of people who have already traveled around our country with the “Bolshe, chem puteshestvie” or in English “More than trip” project. You'll find phones on the wall in front of you. We suggest you pick up the receiver.

After that, head to the "Meeting Point" portal, where you can greet people in other pavilions of the Exhibition. And of course, take a journey across our country in the "Look at Russia" zone.

Here, you can also learn about the World of Rosmolodyozh track, which we use to support international diplomatic relations and connections with compatriots.

Pay attention to the pyramid of suitcases. Find the QR code on it, which will lead you to a test to determine your best journey.

By the way, where do journeys often begin? At the train station, at the airport, and also - at the Garage. That's where we're heading!
9. Garage
Dear friend, you've entered a multifunctional area - the Garage, where you can choose an activity based on your interests and immerse yourself in that direction. Here, you can charge your mobile phones on an exercise bike with a built-in dynamo machine, learn about the "Points of attraction" for youth in your region, and explore the lineup of youth forums on the "Events of Rosmolodyozh" platform, covering the entire territory of the Russian Federation.
Don't rush. When you're ready, we'll move on to the Office.
10. Office
This isn't just a room; it's a space full of opportunities! It's a place where ideas become projects that change the world around us.

Achievements are possible! And we know how to turn dreams into reality. We'll tell you about it right now.

In the Business of Rosmolodyozh zone, you'll be inspired by a mentor's story about how they chose their career, what became their guiding star, and what skills and knowledge helped them succeed professionally.

After that, take the Government Start test on an interactive screen to choose a suitable profession in the field of public service.

Then, we invite you to change reality together with the Grants of Rosmolodyozh service - a grant competition for young people and their initiatives. By the way, there are numbers on the posters. If you find and collect them, you can open a safe with secret knowledge.

In the Career of Rosmolodyozh zone, with the help of VR videos, you can experience a day in the life of a person in the chosen profession in just one minute to understand which profession suits you better. We also invite you to learn about the "Bolshe, chem Rabota" project or in English “More than work”, which offers you an internship in another region of Russia in your chosen field.

Our journey through the Home of Youth will soon come to an end, but our Home would be incomplete without the Library. Let's follow the arrows.
11. Library
You have entered the Library. Here, sacred knowledge is stored – the archives of Rosmolodyozh, records of present achievements, and plans for the future. A friendly atmosphere awaits you here, along with all the necessary tools for realizing your potential.

At the end of our tour, we invite you to share your impressions and suggestions for the Home of Youth. Record them and place them in the gratitude envelope.

How much have you learned today? Let's check on the scanner in the Living Room!

And here we are in the Living Room. We believe you have felt that the Home of Youth is a very welcoming place. Every guest is welcome here, and there is so much to learn. Now, it's up to you!

Apply the knowledge you've gained, move towards new goals, create, explore, and bring your ideas to life with Rosmolodyozh.
Until we meet again! We always look forward to welcoming you back home!

Interesting Facts

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