Inventing the Future

Movement of the First and the Presidential platform "Russia - Land of Opportunity"

"First in Russia - Land of Opportunity" is a joint exposition of the "Movement of the First" and the Presidential platform "Russia - Land of Opportunity" in Pavilion No. 1.
A unique interactive space has been created within the walls of Pavilion No. 1 within the framework of the International RUSSIA EXPO - eight halls are dedicated to Russia's achievements through the reflection of the past, present and future. Guests will be able to see the beauty of the pavilion itself, appreciate the modern technologies and original show integrated into it.
The temporary exposition unfolds the key idea of the project that a dream is the beginning of any discovery: of oneself, inventions, society, country, and the future. You can fulfill your dream only by taking action and working hard, and the guiding star will become the waymark that follows the path to the dream, defines the goal, the source of inspiration and life.
Each visitor will be able not only to visualize his or her dream, but also to take part in educational, cultural and entertainment events prepared by the "Movement of the First" on the venue of VDNH, as well as participate in lectures, master classes and activities from the projects of the platform "Russia - Land of Opportunity". It will also be possible to receive useful gifts.
The unique interactive space can be visited by children and adults free of charge by registering on the platform.
Photo: Directorate for the "Movement of the First" participation in the International RUSSIA EXPO

Interesting Facts


Expo News
Expo News
Expo News
Launch of the All-Russian Competition for Children's Engineering Inventions "Transport Engineers" will take place in Moscow
The launch of the All-Russian Competition for Children's Engineering Inventions "Transport Engineers" will take place on May 31 at 10:00 at VDNH in Pavilion No. 57. The organizer is Movement of the First in collaboration with JSC Russian Railways and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The operator of the competition is the Federal Center for Supplementary Education and Organization of Recreation and Health Improvement for Children of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The competition aims to popularize scientific and technical creativity among children and youth, identify and support children who have shown outstanding abilities in the scientific and technical field across all regions of Russia.
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