Ice patterns and Chuvash runes — workshops on December 29
Snowflakes in the wind, ice patterns, chemical show
10:00 — 11:00, Pavilion No. 75, stand of the Chuvash Republic.
A series of workshops for children and adults: chemical show, acquaintance with the robot-helper Yari, as well as making memorable souvenirs with their own hands in absolutely different techniques.
Interactive activities and masterclasses will take place repeatedly throughout the day. The average duration of one class is 1 hour.
— MC Snowflakes in the Wind — drawing "snowflakes" and "wind" with mother-of-pearl sand on round tablets.
— MC Ice Patterns — application of "ice" patterns on a prepared rectangular tablet with mother-of-pearl sand.
— MC Painting Ceramic Tiles with Stained Glass Paints — making New Year decorations using stained glass paints.
— MC There Will Be a Fairy Tale… — Coloring Christmas tree toys cut out of tiles in advance.
— Interactive lesson Science and Technology. Materials in Mechanical Engineering of Chuvashia — the immersive game Materials in Mechanical Engineering of Chuvashia, riddles about professions in the field of mechanical engineering: engineer, machine-turner.
— MC Using a 3D Printer: Making Runes of Chuvashia, Creating Mechanisms — making runes of Chuvashia on an engraving machine and 3D printer, creating mechanisms on a 3D printer.
— Interactive lesson Interactive map of Chuvashia — acquaintance with Chuvash embroidery, first steps to needlework.
Gingerbread fairy tale house
17:00 — 18:00 Pavilion D29
Specialists of the Museum of Decorative Arts will help the guests to make New Year decorations.
This workshop is for those who love gingerbread, creativity and New Year miracles! The guests of the masterclass will make a cardboard New Year postcard-decoration, which will remind them of the most favorite kinds of gingerbread made in Russia: Tula, Arkhangelsk, Nizhny Novgorod and others! There will be a place for fantasies and good wishes to your nearest and dearest on this card.
On January 4, the National Centre RUSSIA will host an engaging mitten decoration workshop.
The Department Store at the National Centre RUSSIA offers unique sweets created with love and respect for regional traditions.
The changes
apply to December 31 and the period from January 1 to January 3.