Inventing the Future

Opening hours:
Tue-Sun from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m
14 Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, Moscow

Oncobloggers, doctors and patients will hold women’s health day at the RUSSIA EXPO

Oncobloggers, doctors and patients will hold women’s health day at the RUSSIA EXPO
Photo: from the personal archive of A. Tarubarova

On March 31, a thematic day dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of cancer and quality of life of female cancer patients will be held in the "In the Service of Health" pavilion. It will bring together leading specialists in cancer treatment and patients who have gone into remission and are ready to share their stories.

How do you keep yourself healthy by getting a genetic test? What is the importance of psychological support for cancer patients and their loved ones?  What vaccinations can help avoid cervical cancer? How to carry out independent diagnostics?  How to choose the right underwear in order not to harm health? Women's Health Day at VDNH will be devoted to these questions. At the cancer awareness marathon you will learn how to properly examine the body and not to spend money on unnecessary checkups, and also be recharged with energy from those who have undergone the path of treatment and are ready to help others.

The initiator of the event is journalist Anna Tarubarova. In 2020, she faced breast cancer. She underwent 16 courses of chemotherapy, 2 surgeries in the Blokhin NMRC. During treatment, Anna did not give up her work on TV and founded a number of educational projects. In particular, thanks to the series of live broadcasts with doctors "Stupid but Important Questions" thousands of women from different regions of Russia and countries received informational assistance and were able to build a competent treatment trajectory. 

"Early-stage cancer is curable and it is treated well here in Russia. I had a type of cancer that the Internet writes horror stories about as the most aggressive one. It seems amazing, but there are millions of cancer patients walking the streets among us: some are in remission, some are under treatment, some are sick and don't know it. For some reason, some people still mystify cancer, look for causes that are far from science, and trust herbalists rather than oncologists for treatment. It's great that the healthcare system is open to public dialog between doctors and patients. It saves lives," says the event's author Anna Tarubarova.

The guests of the Exposition will be presented a documentary movie telling the stories of heroines who managed to overcome difficulties and build a happy life.

Meetings with leading oncologists, psychologists and social work specialists will be arranged.

We have also prepared various activities for you:

— masterclasses on self-diagnosis;

— sewing pads for women after mastectomy;

— photo exposition of the foundation "I Love Life" and much more.

More information about the event — in the events section.

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