Inventing the Future

Sergei Bondarchuk, Sergei Garmash, Evgeny Matveev: a book about outstanding residents of the Kherson region

Sergei Bondarchuk, Sergei Garmash, Evgeny Matveev: a book about outstanding residents of the Kherson region
Expo News
Photo: Kristina Kormilitsyna/RIA News

A collection of life stories of 60 outstanding residents of the Kherson region was presented at the Exposition by the author of the publication — the First Deputy Chairman of the Media and Mass Communications Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Head of the Journalism Department of the Kherson Pedagogical University Alexander Malkevich.

"These people of the Kherson region contributed to the development and greatness of our country, and some of them still do, and they are known all over Russia. They are the People’s Artists of the USSR Sergei Bondarchuk and Yevgeny Matveev, and People’s Artist of Russia Sergei Garmash. This is also Boris Lavrenev — next year we will celebrate 100 years since the release of his famous work "Forty First". And the movie based on Lavrenev’s work was made by the great director Grigory Chukhrai, a native of Melitopol. And how many people know that brothers Ilya and Andrey Noskov, famous actors of theater and TV series, come from Novaya Kakhovka? There are also many other natives of the Kherson land, who made a great contribution to the development and formation of Russia", — said the author of the book, Alexander Malkevich.

The pride of Kherson region is also the young generation of its residents. The Exposition presents paintings of 12-year-old resident of Kherson region Maya Lyashenko. Maya is the author of more than 60 works. This summer she painted a portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and this portrait was sent to the Kremlin as a gift to him.

A separate presentation of the publication "People of Kherson Region — the Pride of Russia" is planned at the RUSSIA EXPO in February next year.

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