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Superservice: digitalization of state services discussed at the RUSSIA EXPO

Superservice: digitalization of state services discussed at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News

The National Achievements Forum: State Services kicked off at the exposition - it is dedicated to online interaction between a person and the state, as well as achievements in this area.

Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, spoke about the key results and achievements in the field of state services at the plenary session. He noted that just 10 years ago it was difficult to get a particular service because of bureaucracy and the need to personally visit government offices.

"People had to stand in queues for hours and collect a lot of paper certificates in different departments. This situation in no way corresponded to the modern idea of a human-centered state. The Presidential Decree, which defined digital transformation as one of the five national development goals of Russia, became the impetus for the widespread digitalization of the interaction between the citizen and the state," said Dmitry Chernyshenko.

Photo: Stanislav Krasilnikov /Fotohost-RIA News agency

According to him, in 2019 only 5% of mass socially important services were available in electronic format, and now this indicator is already 100%. Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that more than 87% of certificates, social benefits and allowances can be obtained online. By the end of this year the remaining 13% will be added to them.

Now there are almost 110 million confirmed accounts on the Gosuslugi (State Services) portal, the daily audience is 11 million people. A total of 340 million services have been provided to citizens - the most popular of them are: unified allowance for children and pregnant women, remote electronic voting, migration registration of foreigners, obtaining information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate and tax notifications. In terms of traffic and the number of active users per day, Gosuslugi is the fifth digital ecosystem in Russia, emphasized Dmitry Chernyshenko.

One of the directions of the portal's development is superservices, through which a user can receive several services at once. Now there are already 13 such services: "Digital Construction", "Justice Online", "Paperless Transportation of Passengers and Cargo", "Notification and Appeal of Fines for Traffic Violations Online", "Birth of a Child", "Digital Enforcement Proceedings", "Registration of Europrotocol Online", "Labor Relations Online", "Social Support Online", "Online Disability Assistance", "Pension Online", "Enrollment in Higher Education Online" and "Far Eastern and Arctic Hectar", said Dmitry Chernyshenko. He explained the principle of their work on the example of enrollment in a university and the birth of a child.

"Superservice allows you to submit documents to a higher education institution without leaving home. The procedure is as convenient as possible: the application time for some users is a little more than one minute. Applicants from distant regions of Russia no longer need to travel across the country - future students save time and nerves. Last year, almost 1 million people used the superservice - twice as many as the year before. The Birth of a Child superservice (launched in April 2022) has made life easier for young parents. There it is now possible to register the birth of a child without visiting a civil registry office or MFC. More than 350 thousand electronic applications for birth registration have already been submitted. It is also possible to register a child at the place of residence online - today we already have more than 450 thousand such registrations," said Dmitry Chernyshenko.

The global task now is to make bureaucratic processes unnoticeable for citizens, said Deputy Prime Minister.

"People should quickly, conveniently and in the single-window mode be able to receive all services. This approach is based on the concept of three zeros. Zero entry - a person does not need to enter anything manually, does not need to provide any documents and certificates. Zero waiting - interdepartmental requests are made automatically, all data are retrieved and checked at the moment of their sending. Zero exit - no 'covers' and 'papers', everything is processed online," concluded Dmitry Chernyshenko.

The plenary session is dedicated to "unpacking" the State Services, the work of which will be explained by profile managers, said Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadaev.

Photo: Stanislav Krasilnikov /Fotohost-RIA News agency

"Today we will tell you how we enable the whole process, what a large digital infrastructure there is under the "hood" of Gosuslugi, what systems are working, what our development plans are. Today there will be mainly presentations by technical executives, who will talk about the technology of the State Services," said Maksut Shadaev.

In particular, the participants discussed the ecosystem of the Gosuslugi portal and interaction with the agencies that should provide them. In addition, plans for the development of the portal's digital assistant "Max" were announced - it has already processed more than 645 million appeals. The experts also noted the high level of security of the service and the digital identification capabilities it provides - including biometrics.

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