Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
Chukotka belongs to the Far North. It is one of the coldest and sparsely populated regions of Russia. It borders Yakutia, the Magadan region and the Kamchatka region. While in the east it runs the maritime border with the United States. An imaginary line divides the Diomede Islands. The first - Ratmanov Island, is part of Russia, and the second - Krusenstern Island, belongs to the United States. Formally, the distance between the countries is less than four kilometers. The 180th meridian, the date change line, also passes here. So if on the Russian island it is noon of today, on the American island it is noon of yesterday.
Chukotka takes the seventh place by the size of the territory among the subjects of Russia. Its area is 721,481 km². This is more than Germany, Italy and Ireland combined.
It is washed by three seas: the East Siberian Sea, the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea. It is the only subject of Russia, part of which is located in the Western Hemisphere.
10% of Russia's gold reserves are mined in the district. In addition to nonferrous metallurgy and mining, coal and oil industries, energy and agriculture are developed here.
The region is home to 50 nationalities. Half of the population are Russians, 25% are indigenous Chukchi. The remaining part is represented by Evens, Chuvash, Eskimos, Koryaks and other small peoples.
Out of 45 settlements 17 are located beyond the Arctic Circle. This means that there is a polar day, which lasts up to 59 days, and a polar night, which lasts up to 69 days.
It is washed by three seas: the East Siberian Sea, the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea. It is the only subject of Russia, part of which is located in the Western Hemisphere.
10% of Russia's gold reserves are mined in the district. In addition to nonferrous metallurgy and mining, coal and oil industries, energy and agriculture are developed here.
The region is home to 50 nationalities. Half of the population are Russians, 25% are indigenous Chukchi. The remaining part is represented by Evens, Chuvash, Eskimos, Koryaks and other small peoples.
Out of 45 settlements 17 are located beyond the Arctic Circle. This means that there is a polar day, which lasts up to 59 days, and a polar night, which lasts up to 69 days.
Audio Guides
Аудиогид Чукотского автономного округа
7 minutes 43 seconds
Аудиогид Чукотского автономного округа
Interesting Facts
Chukotka Christmas tree: a real whalebone and stylish monochrome
The New Year tree was decorated with whalebone products, Chukchi ornaments and engravings with scenes from life.
Chukotka's pavilion in the form of a geolocation sign will be presented at the RUSSIA EXPO
Preparations for the installation of the Chukotka Autonomous Area pavilion has started at the International RUSSIA EXPO.