Inventing the Future


DOM.RF is a financial development institution that is committed to fostering progress the housing market. With our help, mortgages have become affordable, rent - civilized, and the environment - comfortable.

We unite areas that contribute to the progress of the real estate market and support its participants - citizens, developers, financial organizations.
DOM.RF works to improve the quality of life in different cities of our country. With our help, new residential areas, schools, kindergartens and clinics are being built, roads are emerging, cozy courtyards, squares and parks for walking, areas for sports and concerts are being created. In such cities you want to study, work and spend time with friends. All this is impossible without architects, so we cooperate with them, implement joint projects and constantly study examples of the best architecture ourselves. This helps us make homes and buildings comfortable, beautiful, and durable.
Goals are best achieved when both professionals and citizens work together. DOM.RF uses this approach, for instance, when designing a plan for the long-term development of the city - the opinion of the residents themselves is taken into account. We consider want they want to preserve, to increase, to correct and supplement.
DOM.RF constantly strives for new knowledge, which helps us make the world around brighter and more interesting.

Audio Guides

29 seconds
38 seconds
38 seconds

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