Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Protection, Overcoming Situations and Eliminating the Consequences of Natural Disasters
The main tasks of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia are elaboration and fulfillment of the state policy in the field of civil defence, protection of the population and territories against emergencies, provision of fire safety and safety of people on water bodies within the competence of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia.
EMERCOM of Russia carries out management, coordination, control and response in the field of civil defense, protection of population and territories from emergencies, provision of fire safety and safety of people on water bodies.
EMERCOM of Russia carries out its activities directly and through its system of territorial bodies and bodies specifically authorized to solve the problems of civil defense and tasks of prevention and elimination of emergencies in the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Federal Fire Department of the State Fire Service (hereinafter - the Federal Fire Department), rescue military formations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, State Inspectorate for Small Vessels of the EMERCOM of RUSSIA, emergency rescue and search-and-rescue formations, paramilitary mountain rescue units, educational, scientific, medical, sanatorium-resort and other institutions and organizations under the jurisdiction of the EMERCOM of RUSSIA, as well as through representatives of the EMERCOM of RUSSIA in the representative offices of the Russian Federation to international organizations. To solve humanitarian tasks outside the Russian Federation, a Russian national humanitarian emergency response corps shall be created from part of the forces of the Russian EMERCOM system.
EMERCOM of Russia carries out its activities directly and through its system of territorial bodies and bodies specifically authorized to solve the problems of civil defense and tasks of prevention and elimination of emergencies in the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Federal Fire Department of the State Fire Service (hereinafter - the Federal Fire Department), rescue military formations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, State Inspectorate for Small Vessels of the EMERCOM of RUSSIA, emergency rescue and search-and-rescue formations, paramilitary mountain rescue units, educational, scientific, medical, sanatorium-resort and other institutions and organizations under the jurisdiction of the EMERCOM of RUSSIA, as well as through representatives of the EMERCOM of RUSSIA in the representative offices of the Russian Federation to international organizations. To solve humanitarian tasks outside the Russian Federation, a Russian national humanitarian emergency response corps shall be created from part of the forces of the Russian EMERCOM system.
Interesting Facts
On December 27, 1990, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the Russian Rescue Corps (The EMERCOM of Russia) was formed
Over 30 years, the EMERCOM of Russia has rescued 2.5 million people, extinguished 7 million fires and eliminated 31 thousand emergencies
Every year, firefighters extinguish more than 350 thousand fires, which save more than 29 thousand people
There are more than 35 specialties in the EMERCOM of Russia. Main: firefighter, rescuer, climber, diver, mountain rescuer, doctor, psychologist
The EMERCOM of Russia has 7 higher educational institutions, 3 scientific institutes, 1 Institute for advanced training and 20 training centers