New Year tree of the Republic of Adygea: red velvet and goldwork embroidery
folk ornaments became the basis for the decoration of the fir tree - craftsmen
from Adygea made large velvet balls in the goldwork technique. Traditional
ornaments of the peoples of Adygea and elements from the coat of arms of the
republic were also used in the golden garlands.
goldwork embroidery is one of the unique crafts in the Western Caucasus. Since
ancient times Adygean craftswomen have skillfully mastered the techniques of
goldwork, subtly thinking over their ornamental compositions.
distinctive feature of Adygean ornamental art is symmetrically arranged
elements representing the animal and plant world, trefoils or five-leaves.
Very often there is an image of a ram's horn - the ornament performed a magical role of protection from evil spirits. The plant motifs of the pattern were also connected with the Adyghe cult views - they believed in the magical power of trees, which could cure illnesses and bring happiness.
On the Main Alley of VDNH visitors are greeted by 89 New Year trees, each of them representing a region of the country. The RUSSIA EXPO is open from Tuesday through Sunday, Monday is a technical day. The best time to visit is in the mornings and weekdays, but the exposition is open to everyone on weekends as well. All expositions and events are free of charge.
Every Monday, the National Centre RUSSIA holds a technical maintenance day.
Another session of the Young Guide School took place at the National Centre RUSSIA.
On March 9, the National Centre RUSSIA hosted the open lesson "The Workshop of Colors."