Inventing the Future

Pride is the main emotion: Famous sociologists about the RUSSIA EXPO

Pride is the main emotion: Famous sociologists about the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Kirill Zykov/Fotohost-RIA News agency

Pride is the dominant emotion felt by visitors to the International RUSSIA EXPO. Moreover, the vast majority of people not only have a positive opinion of the exposition, but are also ready to visit it again. These are the data of surveys discussed by experts at the round table of the Expert Institute for Social Research (EISR).

"86% of those who visited the Exposition these days say that it met and even exceeded expectations. 97% evaluate the exposition positively, 97% would recommend visiting the RUSSIA EXPO and 79% plan to visit it again", - said Victor Poturemsky.

Photo: Kirill Zykov/Fotohost-RIA News agency

Survey participants believe that the exposition is dedicated to Russia's achievements, its history and future. In addition to pride, RUSSIA EXPO arouses interest, pleasure, joy and curiosity among visitors: that is, positive, bright emotions prevail. The main reasons for pride include the country, the president, achievements, development despite the difficult situation in the world.

"The fact that for the first time in the XXI century we see the opportunity for everyone to get in touch with the achievements at the level of all regions, a number of state corporations and large organizations is extremely important. The feeling of belonging to them is a reason for pride", - Alexander Asafov believes.

Photo: Kirill Zykov/Fotohost-RIA News agency

The survey itself was conducted by the Institute of Social Marketing on November 4-7 at the RUSSIA EXPO. 820 respondents were interviewed.

People singled out major projects as objects of pride. These include, for example, the construction of the Crimean Bridge.

"Here you can delve into the history of the fact that BAM will be 50 years old next year, but BAM 2 and BAM 3 projects are being implemented now. There are achievements in the nuclear industry - a whole pavilion", - said Daria Kislitsyna.

The pride of the people is formed, among other things, by the normalization of life in new regions, successes in science, culture, defense industry - they are also demonstrated at the exposition. Ultimately, they are in one way or another connected with the decisions and instructions of the head of state Vladimir Putin.

"Undoubtedly, the Exposition is about our joint achievements. Everyone has made their own contribution; everyone has empathized with what is happening.  Regardless of the size of the contribution, it is all common. All these things, the object of our pride, the achievements of people, regions, country are in one way or another connected with the name of Vladimir Putin - with the issues of his support, decisions", - said the director of the Institute.

Photo: Kirill Zykov/Fotohost-RIA News agency

It should be reminded that the RUSSIA EXPO is open from Tuesday through Sunday, Monday is a technical day. The best time to visit is in the mornings and on weekdays, but the exposition is open to everyone on weekends as well. All expositions and events are free of charge.

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