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Participants of the rescue operation in Crocus City Hall spoke about the importance of unity in the face of a threat

Participants of the rescue operation in Crocus City Hall spoke about the importance of unity in the face of a threat
Expo News
Photo: Pavel Bednyakov/RIA News

On March 27, a meeting dedicated to the unity of the peoples of our country was held at the International RUSSIA EXPO as part of the "Conversations about Important Things" project of the "Knowledge" Society. One of the main topics was the tragedy in Crocus City Hall, which shocked and at the same time united people of different nationalities, ages and professions. The conversation with TV host Yulia Baranovskaya was attended by Merited Rescuer of Russia Dmitry Korinniy, Assistant Chairman of the Board of the Association of Volunteer Centers Vladislav Muntyanu, medical volunteer Yana Balatsenko and high school student Artem Donskov, who led more than 100 people out of the burning concert hall. The meeting was held in the lecture hall of the Russian Society "Knowledge" in Pavilion No. 34 "Space".

The tragic events in Crocus City Hall that took place on the evening of March 22 shook the whole world and showed how strong mutual support among Russians is and how many of our fellow citizens are capable of heroic deeds in difficult situations. Such people shared their experience in the lecture hall of the "Knowledge" Society and spoke about what motivates them to show courage and even risk their lives if someone needs help. They also spoke about the highest level of cohesion of our multinational country.

In a conversation with TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya, Dmitry Korinniy, Merited Rescuer of the Russian Federation, international class rescuer of the State Central Airmobile Rescue Squad "Centrospas", spoke about his work and noted that each emergency situation is non-standard, requires careful assessment and a special approach. First of all, the efforts are aimed at rescuing living people, and it is necessary to find a common language with everyone in order to interact. At the same time, it is important that the victims also strive to help rescuers: try to listen to their recommendations, do not give in to panic. Such unity helps a lot in difficult circumstances, and rescuers also act together as a team.

Photo: Pavel Bednyakov/RIA News

"We do not work alone, having arrived at a place, we work as a team, and everyone understands what needs to be done. Someone puts the base camp, someone goes for reconnaissance, others are engaged in water, provisioning, pulling up tools. And since we all know how to do different things, we act in harmony. That is why unity is always necessary - for each team and for the whole nation. Yes, we have different nationalities, but we are together, we understand each other, and no one can separate us. We must do a common cause, and together we can do anything," said Dmitry Korinniy.

The events in Crocus City Hall from the very first hours united various people in a sincere desire to help the victims - doctors, EMERCOM employees, blood donors, cab drivers, volunteers and many other of our compatriots. Vladislav Muntyanu, Assistant Chairman of the Council of the Association of Volunteer Centers, told about it, bringing to light the theme of mutual assistance and volunteerism. Vladislav noted that "our society showed an unprecedented cohesion, which was not seen even in the times of Covid" and thanked all those who helped in the difficult moments of the tragedy and after it. The speaker also talked about the volunteer movement in the country, which anyone can join, about the all-Russian platform DOBRO.RF, about the large-scale movement #WEARETOGETHER, which for the fourth year is a vivid demonstration of the ability of our people to unite in crisis situations.

Photo: Pavel Bednyakov/RIA News

"Doing good deeds is very interesting not so much for others, but first of all for yourself - you realize that you are useful not only to yourself, your life, your destiny, but also to your society. Volunteering is an interesting way to show who you really are. People who are indifferent will never come to volunteerism", Vladislav Muntyanu emphasized.

Another participant in the conversation was 14-year-old Artem Donskov, who showed heroism at Crocus City Hall and was awarded the medal "For Service to Society" by the Civic Chamber of Russia. The high school student worked part-time as a checkroom attendant at the concert hall and knew the location of the emergency exits. When people were trying to get out of the building, he took part in the evacuation and was among the last to leave, making sure that all the audience was safe. Artem, who risked his life for his compatriots, admitted that in the first minutes he felt confused: he could hear gunfire, but there were no adults around and no one could tell him what to do. In these circumstances, he and his colleagues united, took responsibility and not only directed the fleeing people to the emergency exit, but also told them in which direction to leave Crocus.

Photo: Pavel Bednyakov/RIA News

Another speaker was volunteer-medical worker Yana Balatsenko, who, having seen the news on March 22, immediately went to help and together with other volunteers all night distributed water, tea, cookies to the victims and employees of special services at the scene of the accident. The girl met her birthday, March 23, at the blood transfusion station, where she helped to coordinate the mass flow of donors who wanted to support the victims within the framework of the All-Russian action of mutual aid #WEARETOGETHER. The volunteer said that in her memory this day will remain as "the day of strong Russian people", because the desire to help united doctors and volunteers, pensioners and teenagers, businessmen and employees. The girl emphasized that any volunteer activity is a contribution to the future of the country, because simply handing out tea and cookies can make people's lives better.

Photo: Pavel Bednyakov/RIA News

The weekly educational lectures "Conversations about Important Things" of the Russian Society "Knowledge" and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation are aimed at developing in the listeners a value attitude towards their Motherland - Russia, its citizens, its unique history, rich nature and great achievements. The topics of the lectures, echoing the topics of the school extracurricular classes "Conversations about Important Things", focus on important aspects of human life in modern Russia, such as knowledge of native history, technological progress, nature protection, respect for the achievements of one's country, and preservation of traditional family values. The lecturers are prominent Russian statesmen, famous scientists, and famous artists.

The Russian Society "Knowledge" is the general partner of the educational program of the International RUSSIA EXPO. The project "Conversations about Important Things" will run until April 12, 2024. The next lecture within the framework of the project will be held on April 3.

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