"Tasty" writer's style and extremely juicy images: Actor Ilya Korobko held "Conversations about Important Things" on Gogol's works
The lecture
hall of the Russian Society "Knowledge" in Pavilion No. 34
"Space" held another meeting of the project "Conversations about
Important Things". This time the reason for the meeting was the 215th
anniversary of the birth of writer Nikolai Gogol, and the guest of the lecture
hall was actor Ilya Korobko, who played in the production of Gogol's play
"The Gamblers".
Opening the
meeting, the actor emphasized that any work is perceived better if the reader
understands the historical context in which it was written.
we talk about writers, artists and any other figures of art, we must
necessarily take into account the time in which they lived. Then everything
becomes more interesting, vivid and understandable. In this sense, it would be
good to parallel history lessons with literature lessons. I know that some
Moscow schools are already introducing such practices, and I hope that this
will develop into a serious general program. If you give schoolchildren the
opportunity to rely on historical facts, they will be twice as interested to
read literary works," said the actor.
Korobko dwelled on the topic of Gogol's unique manner of narration. The speaker
noted that the author of "Evenings at a Farm near Dikanka" has a
surprisingly "tasty" style and extremely juicy images.
as a writer turned to eternal themes and noticed life nuances that are
characteristic of people of any era. Gogolism is a phenomenon that we observe
in our lives every day: in the store, on the bus, at school. Many authors try
to ridicule vices, but no one succeeds in creating such vivid images. Gogol
masterfully uses figures of speech and chooses such capacious expressions to
describe the heroes that each of his characters is an image for the ages.
Therefore, Gogol himself is eternal as an author," said Ilya Korobko.
A real
discovery for the audience was the fact that at the beginning of his creative
journey Gogol dreamed of an acting career, tried out for the St. Petersburg
theater company, but was not accepted. Passion for the theater kins Gogol with
Anton Chekhov and Mikhail Bulgakov. Ilya Korobko drew the audience's attention
to the fact that Gogol's works are distinguished by an amazing theatricality:
whip-smart, vivid images and dynamic dramaturgy of plots.
The lecture
guest gave his definition of genius: a genius is a creator whose works leave an
inerasable trace in culture and raise important issues, sometimes anticipating
the future.
"What is the genius of Gogol? Each of his characters, each of his plots, even the most grotesque and comedic, are characterized by depth. This is due to the fact that the author asked serious questions. I believe that young people who are just entering adulthood should definitely read Gogol's "The Overcoat". Many people interpret this work as a story about "the little man", but for me it is a story about the loss of connection with God and the loss of spirituality. Deification of material things, i.e. overcoat, leads people away from the right path, and this is a very relevant problem for the modern world with its fascination with things, gadgets and external gloss," Ilya Korobko expressed his opinion.
He advised the audience to revise Russian classics more often, because the perception of works from the school program often changes with age. Ilya Korobko emphasized that Gogol's characters "grow up" together with the readers, and discovering new meanings in familiar stories and plays is an incredibly exciting process.
Guests can get acquainted with rare flowering plants that have medicinal properties at the large-scale exposition "Journey Across Russia".
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