Bryansk region
Bryansk region is a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Central Federal District
This is the only region of our country located on the border of three Slavic states – Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The Bryansk region was formed on July 5, 1944: districts located within the borders of the previously existing Bryansk province were allocated from the Orel region. Bryansk region is known as the partisan region. From the first days of the occupation by the Nazi invaders, the struggle against the enemy took on the character of a nationwide movement. About 60 thousand partisans were active in the Bryansk forests. In 1967, the Bryansk region was awarded the Order of Lenin for active participation in the partisan movement, courage and perseverance shown during the war, for success in the restoration and development of the national economy. In May 2010, Bryansk was awarded the title of "City of Military Glory". Many settlements of the Bryansk region have a centuries-old history and have preserved architectural monuments that are the heritage of national culture. Nowadays, the Bryansk region is a dynamically developing promising region, one of the leaders of the Russian agro–industrial and industrial complex. National projects and major investment projects are being successfully implemented here.
Audio Guides
Аудиогид Брянской области
9 minutes 59 seconds
Аудиогид Брянской области
Interesting Facts
This is the only region of our country located at the junction of three Slavic states — Russia, Belarus and Ukraine
The capital of the region is the city of Bryansk, founded in 985. Previously, it was called Debryansk - because of the dense wilds that surrounded it
During the Great Patriotic War, the region was a real partisan region. There were about 60 thousand partisans operating here
The Historical and Archaeological Museum in the village of Yudinovo is known for the Paleolithic Cro-Magnon site of 15,000 years old
The natural wealth of the Bryansk region is beautiful forests, real "green gold". There is a unique reserve "Bryansk forest" located here
New Year tree of the Bryansk region: a forest with orchids and its inhabitants
Protected Bryansk forests and their inhabitants became the main theme in the design of the New Year tree at VDNH.
Bryansk national costume takes the lead among the region's achievements
More than 1,500 Bryansk residents have already voted for the best projects of their region on the portal "Achievements.RF".