Inventing the Future

Bryansk region

Bryansk region is a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Central Federal District
This is the only region of our country located on the border of three Slavic states – Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The Bryansk region was formed on July 5, 1944: districts located within the borders of the previously existing Bryansk province were allocated from the Orel region. Bryansk region is known as the partisan region. From the first days of the occupation by the Nazi invaders, the struggle against the enemy took on the character of a nationwide movement. About 60 thousand partisans were active in the Bryansk forests. In 1967, the Bryansk region was awarded the Order of Lenin for active participation in the partisan movement, courage and perseverance shown during the war, for success in the restoration and development of the national economy. In May 2010, Bryansk was awarded the title of "City of Military Glory". Many settlements of the Bryansk region have a centuries-old history and have preserved architectural monuments that are the heritage of national culture. Nowadays, the Bryansk region is a dynamically developing promising region, one of the leaders of the Russian agro–industrial and industrial complex. National projects and major investment projects are being successfully implemented here.
Photo: Department of Economic Development of the Bryansk region
Photo: Department of Economic Development of the Bryansk region

Audio Guides

Аудиогид Брянской области
9 minutes 59 seconds
Аудиогид Брянской области
Good day, dear guests of the International Forum-Exhibition "Russia".
We are happy to welcome you to the Bryansk Region. "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" – that is how we called our exposition.
It's a great honor for me, as a native of the Bryansk Region, to be your guide today. My name is Andrei Kaikov.
I am an actor of screen and stage. Bryansk is a very special place for me. It is the place where I was born and grew up.
Today I am glad to tell you about my native Bryansk Region, which is incredible, amazing, touching, determining the vectors in many areas, setting trends and confidently looking forward.

The birthplace of the poet and diplomat Fyodor Tyutchev, composer and author of the famous song "Katyusha" Matvey Blanter, outstanding writer Pyotr Proskurin and artists Tkachev Brothers – Alexei and Sergei. All this is the Bryansk Region. Today it is called a region of advanced technologies, an attractive platform for investors, a leader in the implementation of government programs and in terms of many other indicators. Bryansk potatoes and famous mainline and shunting diesel locomotives, Zhukovka bicycles and Pochep valenki, Tyutchev's Ovstug village and Alexei Tolstoy's Krasny Rog estate, the Svensky Monastery and Bryansk Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, the impressive Palace of Martial Arts – all this is our Bryansk Region. Our brand and our pride.

Our exhibition consists of five main sections. Right now I invite you to our first interactive area. It is called "The Paleolithic Age". For many decades the archaeological research has been carried out in the village of Khotylyovo in the Bryansk Region. Scientists call this site a unique place, they have identified here up to 9 cultural layers. Khotylyovo is one of the oldest archaeological heritage sites in the center of the Russian Plain. Real artifacts – mammoth remains, which are over 15 thousand years old – are found here. Researchers and history students come here to study the Paleolithic Period and to discover the remains of ancient people. During excavations in Khotylyovo archaeologists find mammoth bones, ancient tools, items made of animal bones, and remains of ancient dwellings. Scientific forums are held here annually, and there are also plans to create a research and tourist center in this area.

Another unique historical point on the map of the Bryansk Region is the village of Yudinovo in the Pogarsky district. Eight archaeological landmarks have been discovered in this area. The Upper Paleolithic settlement of Eastern Europe, one of the most significant in terms of size and scientific importance, is located here. Its age is 12-15 thousand years. There are also two Neolithic sites, two Bronze Age burial grounds and three early Slavic settlements. 15 thousand years ago Cro-Magnons lived here. They were quite reasonable people, as evidenced by the findings of archaeologists. Among the things found here were: fibula – a clasp for clothes, pendant – a male ornament, bone needles for sewing clothes, beads made of shells and mammoth tusk plates, a polishing tool made of tusk. There were no idlers among the Cro-Magnons. Some of them hunted, some of them kept fire, others made tools, and the rest sewed clothes and cooked food.
Today we invite you to play a role of archeologists with the help of this game complex – to take part in improvised "excavations" and find the remains of a mammoth of the Paleolithic Age.

The Bryansk Region is a border region and hence it's a special region on the map of Russia. The traditions and history of the Slavic states are united here. And the great pride of our Bryansk Region is the partisan past of the Great Patriotic War, which we cherish in our hearts, families, memorials, and museums. The safety and inviolability of the borders of modern Russia are guarded by today's heroes.
We invite you to visit the Dugout Diorama 3D Model. This is a full-size model of the dugout's interior. These are exactly the dugouts where partisans lived during the Great Patriotic War.

It is worth to note that during the war in the Bryansk forests there were 139 partisan detachments, which numbered more than 60 thousand fighters. The memory of each of them, of their heroism and courage is kept today by the memorial site "Partisan Glade". It is located in a beautiful quiet corner of the Bryansk Region, 12 km from the regional center. The symbolic partisan fire burns there day and night.

The interior of the dugout displayed for you is equipped with items of military life. Here you can see moulages of weapons, a trench coat and a cap. We invite you to go inside the dugout, immerse yourself in that heroic time, imagine how the partisans rested in short intervals between hard battles, and take a photo as a souvenir.

We also invite all guests to use the "Partisan mail". You can choose a postcard with Bryansk symbols, sign it for your relatives and friends, and maybe for yourself, put it in a partisan bag and send it directly from our exhibition to the addressee.

Dear guests, I'd like to welcome you to the central part of our exposition. With these LED screens you can right now in a few seconds find yourself in the Bryansk Region and get acquainted with the recent achievements of our region.

Manufacturing industry is the locomotive of the region's economic development. The undisputed leader is the Bryansk Machine Building Plant. BMZ is one of the most advanced diesel-locomotive builders not only in our country, but also in the world. The share of mainline freight locomotives of Bryansk manufacture makes up 100% of the Russian market. We will further talk about diesel locomotives. And now, let's get some other facts. For example, about motorized bikes and not only that. Every second bicycle, quad bike, or snowmobile made in Russia is a product of our Zhukovsky Velomotozavod. And the Bryansk plant of the Machinery and Tools Engineering Group – Irmash is the only Russian manufacturer of asphalt pavers.

A real breakthrough in recent years has been made by the agricultural sector of the Bryansk Region. The region holds 2nd place in Russia in terms of cattle stock in agricultural enterprises, 1st place – in the production of cattle for slaughter, and is Number One in industrial production of potatoes. Every fifth kilogram of potatoes in Russia is Bryansk potatoes.
High rates of the region's economic development drive the need for highly skilled people. Their professional training in the Bryansk Region is a priority. Four chil-dren's technology parks "Quantorium", the regional center for identification, sup-port and development of abilities and talents in children and youth "OGMA", 3 centers of digital education "IT Cube", 265 centers "Growth Point" have been cre-ated and are now available for Bryansk schoolchildren. New modern schools and kindergartens are currently under construction.

From education to sports. It is no exaggeration to say that Bryansk athletes are known around the world. They are Lyudmila Samotyosova, Sergei Pyzhianov, Larisa Kurkina, Vitaly Fridzon, Natalia Kuziutina, Alexander Bolshunov, and of course, our nine-time world champion, sambo fighter Artyom Osipenko. Sports receive unprecedented support in the region. New ice stadiums, swimming pools, sports venues, and recreation centers are being built. One of the most fantastic, ambitious and implemented ideas is the Palace of Combat Sports. We will definitely show it to you today.
Memorial sites, unique architecture, archaeological landmarks, majestic churches, amazing and mysterious forests—all of them attract tourists to the Bryansk Region. Recent years have seen a huge transformation in the historic center of Bryansk, and improvements in the industrial and unique district of Bezhitsa. Prominent memorials and museums have been repaired and restored. These include Pokrovskaya Gora with a memorial to Alexander Peresvet, a Bryansk-born Russian Orthodox monk who fought in single combat with the Tatar warrior Temir-Mirza at the opening of the Battle of Kulikovo, and the estate museums of the famous poets Fyodor Tyutchev and Aleksey Tolstoy.

Large-scale work has been done on repairing Partizan Glade, a memorial site and the region’s main patriotic symbol, as well as Immortality Hill, located in Bryansk 1,000th Anniversary Park. There are plans to build a museum to commemorate prisoners of the Dulag 142 concentration camp, which will become the largest center for the preservation of historical memory.

Section 4. Railroad Locomotive (2 min):
The next thing on display probably caught your attention quite a while ago. It's the famous Bryansk locomotive. This is exactly what is well known across Russia and produced by the renowned Bryansk Machine-Building Plant. By the way, the plant is celebrating its 150-year anniversary this year and, by presidential decree, was awarded the Badge of Honor for Achievements in Labor. The plant has a unique history. It started as a manufacturer of railroad rails and bridge steelwork. Bryansk-made steel was used to build ironclads, including the famous battleship Potemkin. Currently, the plant is Russia’s only manufacturer of main-line locomotives that are high in demand for cargo transportation. Our locomotives haul freight trains across the first-ever railroad bridge over the Amur River to China. The vehicles mainly use domestic components, with American engines replaced by Russian-made ones.

Today, all of our guests can get into a cab mockup, see a control stand, try on a driver’s cap, and have a commemorative picture taken there.

You are also invited today to go from the locomotive cab to the legendary Bryansk Palace of Combat Sports.

The largest sports facility in the region is named for Artyom Osipenko, who comes from Bryansk. The sambo fighter is an Honored Master of Sports of Russia, has won nine world titles, represents the Bryansk Region as an ambassador for the GTO physical culture program.

55,000 square meters; 11 sports; athletic activities for over 1,400 children free of charge; the main arena with a seating capacity of 4,000; two practice halls for team sports; six rooms for combat sports; two swimming pools, a workout area; a health center; a hotel with more than 100 rooms; a restaurant; a conference hall. The list goes on and on.

Sports, industry, painting, literature, Orthodox Christianity—the Bryansk Region can unveil something special for each guest. But everybody is always welcome here. While some people will be delighted by our blooming and fragrant spring gardens or summer landscapes smothered in an abundance of colors, others will be enchanted by the whiteness of snow-covered forests or the gold-colored cozy streets of autumnal Bryansk. We look forward to welcoming you to the Bryansk Region.

Interesting Facts

This is the only region of our country located at the junction of three Slavic states — Russia, Belarus and Ukraine
The capital of the region is the city of Bryansk, founded in 985. Previously, it was called Debryansk - because of the dense wilds that surrounded it
During the Great Patriotic War, the region was a real partisan region. There were about 60 thousand partisans operating here
The Historical and Archaeological Museum in the village of Yudinovo is known for the Paleolithic Cro-Magnon site of 15,000 years old
The natural wealth of the Bryansk region is beautiful forests, real "green gold". There is a unique reserve "Bryansk forest" located here


Expo News
New Year tree of the Bryansk region: a forest with orchids and its inhabitants

Protected Bryansk forests and their inhabitants became the main theme in the design of the New Year tree at VDNH. 

Expo News
Bryansk national costume takes the lead among the region's achievements

More than 1,500 Bryansk residents have already voted for the best projects of their region on the portal "Achievements.RF".

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