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Lugansk People's Republic

The Lugansk People's Republic (LPR) was established following the referendum on May 12, 2014 within the borders of the former Lugansk region of Ukraine. On February 21, 2022, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a Decree on Russia's official recognition of LPR sovereignty. After the referendum, the LPR accession to the Russian Federation was enshrined by Constitutional Law on October 4, 2022.
Luganshchina is a steppe region ringed by river valleys with floodplain forests, ravines and hollows. The Donetsk ridge rises here, transforming the steppe landscape into an alternation of uplands, valleys and canyons with picturesque sandstone cliffs.
On this fertile and at the same time harsh land, scorched by the southern sun, is spread the working and toiling land - Donbass, which by the beginning of the last century became the industrial heart of Russia. Wars and devastation swept through it more than once - and more than once it rose like a phoenix from the ashes. Hence the unbending character of Donbass, full of optimism and hard work. Today, as if waking up from a long sleep and desolation, the Lugansk region is covered with hundreds of kilometers of new roads, new schools, hospitals and parks are growing as well.
The Lugansk region is not just connected with the entire Russian history from its very beginnings - it was, is and will be a part of it. Only when Donbass is together with the entire Russia - only then does it have the strength and power that gives hope for revival.
Photo: GTRK LNR. Photoreporter Yuriy Streltsov

Audio Guides

Аудиогид по экспозиции Луганской Народной Республики
8 minutes 37 seconds
Аудиогид по экспозиции Луганской Народной Республики

Interesting Facts



Ancient sacred symbols protect the Lugansk Republic Christmas tree at VDNH
Motanki dolls, made in traditional colors of the Lugansk region, have become the main element of the decoration of the republic's New Year tree.
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