Inventing the Future

Opening hours:
Tue-Sun from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m
14 Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, Moscow

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection

At the exposition of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation (Mintrud) "Family. Work. Longevity" you can get career guidance, find a dream job, learn about available support measures and get acquainted with all the opportunities of the Active Longevity program in the country. Workshops for the whole family, movie screenings and cartoons are at the kindest booth of the exposition.
The exposition is divided into several blocks: Care and Opportunities Space, Social Security Space and Career Space.

The Care and Opportunities Space is an improvised interactive museum of active longevity. For the first time, it presents an interactive map of opportunities for the elderly. There are more than 8 thousand Active Longevity clubs across the country. A visitor to the exposition has the opportunity to find out what location is currently running the Active Longevity program.

The space of care and opportunities itself is a transformer hall for meetings, movie screenings, lectures and family pastime. The next space is the media tunnel. A digital installation dedicated to the evolution of social security programs is presented here. At the end of the tunnel, families with children can find out from social fund employees or on a special calculator what social security programs are available in their region.

The next space is the career space. Here is the career center "Work of Russia", where you can learn more about in-demand and promising professions, talk to career counselors, and plan training in the professions you are interested in.
Photo: Press Service of the Ministry of Labor of Russia

Audio Guides

2 minutes 55 seconds

Interesting Facts


Big winter holiday: 101 children celebrated their birthdays at the RUSSIA EXPO
On February 7, the RUSSIA EXPO hosted the "Big Children's Birthday Party. Winter Celebration at VDNH". This holiday became a real happy day for 101 children. The main participants on this day were the little guests of the exposition and children from large families who celebrated their birthdays during these winter days. The event was organized by the Russian Ministry of Labor and was timed to coincide with the thematic day "Social Policy for Childhood" at the National Achievements Forum
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