Nenets Autonomous Okrug
The Nenets Autonomous Area (NAA) was established on July 15, 1929. It is a part of the Northwestern Federal District. The capital is Naryan-Mar. A little over 41 thousand people live in the region.
The Nenets Autonomous Area is a unique subject of the Russian Federation. The region is fully included in the Arctic zone. Dozens of inhabited centers - villages, settlements and hamlets - are located on the vast territory. The capital of the district, the pearl of the Arctic is the city of Naryan-Mar. The NAA is the ancestral homeland of the Nenets, a people with a vivid and distinctive culture that is adapted to the natural conditions of the harsh Arctic.
Audio Guides
Ненецкий автономный округ
6 minutes 27 seconds
Ненецкий автономный округ
Interesting Facts
Nenets Autonomous Area presented a unique flower bed at the RUSSIA EXPO
The "Future in Flowers" festival has begun at the International RUSSIA EXPO at VDNH (Moscow). Each of the country's 89 regions designed a flower composition reflecting the meanings, features, and traditions of their regions' vegetation.
New Year tree of the Nenets Area: real reindeer moss, cloudberries and tambourines with ancestral spirits
Boundless tundra, deep lakes, unique species of wild animals - the nature of the Nenets Area is incredibly rich.