Inventing the Future

Opening hours:
Tue-Sun from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m
14 Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, Moscow

Orenburg region

The main purpose of the Orenburg region exposition is to show the uniqueness, beauty and pride of one of the largest border regions of Russia in the Central Asian region.
The Orenburg region is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, provides food security of the country, is the center of the origin of the Sarmatian civilization, as well as the center of attraction of great people (A.S. Pushkin, M.L. Rostropovich, Y.A. Gagarin, V.S. Chernomyrdin and many others).
The exposition of the Orenburg region is based on the principal image of the region - the Great Steppe, while the ornament of the down shawl knitting, neatly integrated into the stand design, acts as a symbol of the region's warmth.
The stand presents the region in a versatile way: on the one hand, unique nature and culture, nature reserves and national park, and on the other hand, promising investment projects, thanks to which the economy is developing and the standard of living of the residents is increasing.
Photo: Orenburg region
Photo: Orenburg region
Photo: Orenburg region

Audio Guides

Аудиогид Оренбургской области
52 seconds
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
1 minute 31 seconds
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
2 minutes 11 seconds
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
3 minutes
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
2 minutes 30 seconds
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
1 minute 41 seconds
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
3 minutes
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
1 minute 4 seconds
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
Аудиогид Оренбургской области
Аудиогид Оренбургской области

Interesting Facts



Orenburg region Christmas tree decorated with delicate down shawl patterns
Small pieces of shawls, imitation balls of down, stylized spindle and spokes, and even angels in transparent balls dressed in down garments - all these elements of the world-famous folk craft of the region became the basis for the New Year decoration of the Orenburg region fir tree.
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