Orenburg region Christmas tree decorated with delicate down shawl patterns
Small pieces of shawls, imitation balls of down, stylized spindle and spokes, and even angels in transparent balls dressed in down garments - all these elements of the world-famous folk craft of the region became the basis for the New Year decoration of the Orenburg region fir tree.
Down knitting appeared in the Orenburg province in the early XVIII century as a Russian Cossack craft, which was sometimes called the widow's craft. Most often the widows of deceased Cossacks who had to earn a living and feed their children were engaged in knitting shawls. In the XIX century a special breed of Orenburg goats with long, soft and thin down was bred for the trade.
The Orenburg down shawl received world recognition in 1857, when it was presented at the World Fair in Paris. The French, the trendsetters, declared the down shawl a fashion accessory, an addition to an outfit.
On the Main Alley of VDNH visitors are greeted by 89 fir trees, each of them representing a region of the country with its folk arts, crafts and traditions. And the 90th blue spruce symbolizes the RUSSIA EXPO itself. The trees came from the Moscow region, where they have been carefully cultivated for many years. After the exposition, the spruces will be planted near VDNH.
The International RUSSIA EXPO is the most important achievements of the country gathered in one place. Cultural and entertainment events, a rich business and educational program are waiting for guests here. The expositions of 89 Russian regions, leading federal departments, corporations and public organizations are presented to the visitors.
The first event to be held at the Russia National Centre, which is being established by the order of President Vladimir Putin, will be the International Science Fiction Symposium and Exhibition "Inventing the Future". The symposium will take place from November 4 to 6.
Tomorrow, the International RUSSIA EXPO will conclude its work. From November 2023 to July 2024, it was visited by more than 18 million guests.
Every day, for eight months, the RUSSIA EXPO delighted guests and gave unforgettable emotions.