Republic of Adygea
The Republic of Adygea is one of the most beautiful, environmentally friendly and safe corners of our country. It is located in the central part of the Northwestern Caucasus, in the basins of the Kuban, Laba and Belaya rivers.
The geographical location of Adygea is very convenient. It provides favorable conditions for its economic development. Railways and highways connect the Republic of Adygea with many regions of the Krasnodar region and neighboring republics. The region is famous for its unique nature, ancient history, rich culture and traditions.
Audio Guides
Аудиогид Республики Адыгея
10 minutes 22 seconds
Аудиогид Республики Адыгея
Interesting Facts
New Year tree of the Republic of Adygea: red velvet and goldwork embroidery
Traditional folk ornaments became the basis for the decoration of the fir tree - craftsmen from Adygea made large velvet balls in the goldwork technique.