Inventing the Future

Smolensk region

The Smolensk region will present its achievements at the RUSSIA EXPO
The exposition will tell about the history of Smolensk region, about the Gnezdovo kurgans, about the feat of the native of the region Yuri Gagarin, about the national park "Smolensk Lakeland" and its unique lakes, about the traditional culture of Smolensk region - flax farming and industrial achievements. Also at the exposition there will be a real laser tag shooting gallery. Visitors to the stand will be able to take part in interactive laser tag games.
Photo: press service of the Government of the Smolensk region
Photo: press service of the Government of the Smolensk region

Audio Guides

Аудиогид по экспозиции Смоленской области
9 minutes 12 seconds
Аудиогид по экспозиции Смоленской области

Interesting Facts



Expo News
Smolensk region's New Year tree: towers of the Kremlin and characters of Russian fairy tales
The Smolensk region presented everything that the region is famous for on the fir tree. In the branches of the New Year tree the towers of the Smolensk Kremlin - the largest Kremlin in Russia - are cozily nestled.
Expo News
Guests of the RUSSIA EXPO will see the Smolensk fortress wall

The Smolensk fortress wall will be the main object of the Smolensk region’s exposition at the International RUSSIA EXPO.

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