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On June 30, the online voting for the best expositions at the RUSSIA EXPO will end

On June 30, the online voting for the best expositions at the RUSSIA EXPO will end
Expo News
Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich/RIA News

Dear guests! Voting for the best expositions at the RUSSIA EXPO website is coming to an end. You can cast your vote for your favorite stand until June 30 inclusive.

You can choose the most original or the most useful stand for children, the exposition with the best interactive, virtual tour, tourist or social project. There are 11 nominations in total.

Voting is available in two ways —  via the RUSSIA VDNH mobile application or on the website. In both cases, you need to register. To cast your vote, you can also scan a QR code at the sign near the favorite stand with your smartphone. You can also use the application to thank the Exposition employees who make the guests' stay comfortable on a daily basis.

You can cast your vote for several participants and employees. The RUSSIA VDNH application is available for all smartphones in App StoreGoogle Play and RuStore.

Let us remind you that the International RUSSIA EXPO is held on the territory of VDNH in Moscow. It is open until July 8.

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