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The Far East will present its gastronomic wedding traditions at the House of Russian Cuisine

The Far East will present its gastronomic wedding traditions at the House of Russian Cuisine
Expo News

Dances, rituals, red fish and crab dishes, as well as "bird's milk" with honeysuckle for dessert. The All-Russian wedding festival will be informative, interesting and delicious. On May 13, the participants will be the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District.

WEDDING TABLE-INSTALLATION "FAR EAST WEDDING" represent: Kamchatka region, Republic of Buryatia and Khabarovsk region

KHABAROVSK REGION, 11:00 - 12:00

Gastronomic performance "National Nanai dishes"

- Duduse talani (potato tala)

- Tasima (flatbread)

- Solima (dessert)

- Boda (drink)

Participants: Irina Passar, Victoria Dubovikova, indigenous women in national Nanai costumes.

The program includes musical and dance performance of the national-ethnographic collective of the Model Ensemble of National Dance "Diro": national ritual songs "Andaha dideme", "Kholin dokin", "Gatau", "Pondo", "Dandyki", Ulch songs and tongue twisters, poems and dances "Ivushki", "Seagulls", "Hedunbuvu", "Nivkhsky", "Rattles", "Ho-ho-ho", "Long Sticks", "Taiga rhythms".


Lectures with tasting "Tea Ceremony at the Bride's House"

Lecture on Buryat wedding traditions and masterclass on preparation and tasting of traditional Buryat drinks.

"Wedding Traditions of the Buryat People"

Rules of preparing a dalga plate when offering it to the altar

KAMCHATKA REGION, 14:00 - 16:00

Gastronomic performance "Kamchatka Recipe of Family Happiness"

Culinary masterclasses "Five Reasons to Have a Wedding in Kamchatka"

Svetlana Bokova, founder and brand-chef of Far East cuisine production "Kamchatka House", Irina Bokova, technologist of production "Kamchatka House".

Dmitry Nuykavie and Maria Tynanav, newlyweds of the Kamchatka region, representatives of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of Kamchatka, Nymylans

Andrei Umya, artist with a program of creative numbers of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of Kamchatka


An appetizer of smoked coho salmon with pink salmon caviar on bread with seaweed;

"Yenytnyn" (crushed yukola with green onions, fat and spices);

Kamchatka pie with 2 kinds of fish: red salmon and pollock;

Herbal mix with Kamchatka fireweed and wild berry leaves.


Representatives of small-numbered indigenous peoples of the North - Nymylans (coastal Koryaks) will tell about life, culture, cuisine and wedding traditions of indigenous peoples. They will perform Koryak tunes and dances to tambourine playing.

Performance with a choreographic number "Meeting on the Bank of the River Tymlat" by Dmitry Nuykavie and Maria Tynanav.

Performances of the artist Andrei Umya:

Vocal numbers: "To Remember their Ancestors", "My Palana"

Interactive program: choreographic masterclass "Dance of Love"


- Fish pie from 2 kinds of fish: red salmon and pollock;

- Egg appetizer;

- Two kinds of dumplings: red - seabream with red caviar sauce, white - halibut;

- Mimosa with liver and pollock caviar.

- Red fish from the village of Tymlat, Kamchatka region;

- Dessert: "Bird from Volcanoes": "bird's milk" with honeysuckle

- Kamchatka crab (for decoration)

May 13, 11:00 - 19:30, House of Russian Cuisine

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