New Year tree of the Kamchatka region: the spirit of Raven and fantastic sunshine
In the north of Kamchatka, the game of ball was very popular. The ball used to be homemade - it was small and light. Sometimes it was just moss sewn into a rag. An equal number of men and women participated in the game.
If the ball was in the hands of a man, he threw it to another man, who passed it to the next one. If suddenly one of the women intercepted the ball on the fly, she immediately passed it to another woman and so on. This very ball became one of the elements of decoration of the New Year tree of the region.
The fir tree is decorated with large rosettes symbolizing the Sun of Kamchatka. To make the rosettes, craftsmen used traditional materials: fur, leather and suede.
There was also a place for a mythological character in the guise of a bird on the tree. Kutkh is the embodiment of the spirit of the Raven, traditionally honored by the indigenous peoples of the Far East. The image of Kutkh appears in many legends. He acts as a key figure in the creation of the world (the creator of the Earth), the progenitor of mankind, a powerful shaman.
On the Main Alley of VDNH visitors are greeted by 89 New Year trees, each of them representing a region of the country.
The RUSSIA EXPO is open from Tuesday through Sunday, Monday is a technical day. The best time to visit is in the mornings and weekdays, but the exposition is open to everyone on weekends as well. All expositions and events are free of charge.
Every Monday, the National Centre RUSSIA holds a technical maintenance day.
Another session of the Young Guide School took place at the National Centre RUSSIA.
On March 9, the National Centre RUSSIA hosted the open lesson "The Workshop of Colors."