New Year tree of the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass: Prokopievsk painting and charcoal balls
decoration of the fir tree includes various products of craftsmen: metal trays
with Prokopyevsk traditional painting, dolls depicting local residents - Shorians,
who live in the mountainous taiga of the Kemerovo region. The dolls are dressed
in national clothes and traditional sable hats.
There is also a unique multi-layered Prokopyevsk birch bark on the New Year tree. This craft was almost lost in the 90s. However, local enthusiasts managed to revive it. Eight Prokopyevsk artists teamed up in a creative group to revive the tradition of artistic processing of birch bark.
The artists learned how to
remove birch bark from the tree so as not to harm it, to make baskets without
glue. This is how Prokopyevsk in the south of Kuzbass gave birth to an original
style of birch bark processing called "Prokopyevsk birch bark".
Coal, the main source of the region's prosperity, also found a place among the New Year decorations. The designers made large balls filled with real Kuzbass coal.
On the Main Alley of VDNH visitors are greeted by 89 New Year trees, each of them representing a region of the country. The RUSSIA EXPO is open from Tuesday through Sunday, Monday is a technical day. All expositions and events are free of charge.
Every Monday, the National Centre RUSSIA holds a technical maintenance day.
Another session of the Young Guide School took place at the National Centre RUSSIA.
On March 9, the National Centre RUSSIA hosted the open lesson "The Workshop of Colors."