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Director General of Russian Post Mikhail Volkov gave young people an author's tour of the RUSSIA EXPO

Director General of Russian Post Mikhail Volkov gave young people an author's tour of the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Alexey Nikolsky/RIA News

Mikhail Volkov, Director General of Russian Post, gave young people an author's tour of the RUSSIA EXPO. The children from Mytishchi near Moscow, activists of the "YOUTH ARMY" ("YUNARMIYA") movement, made a trip through Pavilion No. 75 "Regions" and learned how postal transportation is organized in a country with huge distances, what types of transport are used for this purpose, what social role the postal service plays in people's lives.

Russian Post is the largest logistics operator in our country. The company has over 38,000 branches that provide services to residents of all settlements — from metropolises to the smallest villages. Through the Universal Postal Union, Russian Post delivers mail to 130 countries.

Mikhail Volkov started introducing the children to this important work by telling them about the remote corners of the Russian Federation, because the difficult weather conditions and vast distances in the North and Far East best show the capabilities of the Post. The tour participants learned that a container train, launched jointly with Russian Railways in 2022, runs from Moscow to Vladivostok along the Trans-Siberian Railway. It makes stops in eight largest cities of the Trans-Siberian, delivering more than 80 large-tonnage containers with postal and commercial cargoes along the route.

Photo: Alexey Nikolsky/RIA News

Mikhail Volkov talked about overcoming difficult weather conditions at the stand of the Primorye region. The region was hit by a typhoon in August 2023, affecting dozens of communities, but the Post continued to deliver pensions, welfare payments, correspondence and groceries using boats and all-terrain vehicles. Extreme weather conditions were also discussed at the Kamchatka exposition, where last year a Post office in one of the settlements worked even when a powerful volcanic eruption covered the area with ash, caused total darkness and a blackout.

At the Chukotka's stand, the CEO of Russian Post spoke about the easternmost post office in the village of Uelen with a population of 600 people. Correspondence is brought to the residents by airplanes and helicopters, and if flights are canceled in winter, winter roads are used as an alternative method of delivery.

"Many people ask if the Post has reindeer and dog sleds, and I can say that it doesn't. We use modern equipment, including a special type of transport — an all-season snowmobile "Predator" on very large wheels, as tall as a man, which has unique off-road characteristics, just for areas with difficult weather conditions," said Mikhail Volkov, CEO of Russian Post.

At the stand of the Novosibirsk region, the talk was about one of the largest logistics centers of the Post, it opened in 2021 near Tolmachevo airport and now serves 11 million residents of Siberia, processing up to 1.5 million shipments per day.

The modernization of Russian Post was shown on the example of Tatarstan, one of the leading regions in terms of the number of post offices, many of which are located in rural areas.

Photo: Alexey Nikolsky/RIA News

"Two-thirds of our offices are located in rural areas, for example, in Tatarstan it's 70%. And the President of Russia in his recent Address to the Federal Assembly separately drew attention to the need to continue the program of repair and modernization of post offices in rural areas to increase the quality of life of people. We pay a lot of attention to this area, and over the last 2 years alone, more than 6 million rural residents have received new post offices with modern services," said Mikhail Volkov.

The children listened with great interest to how Russian Post participates in significant events in our country. For example, earlier this year the company became a partner of the Games of the Future in Kazan, a special stamp was issued in honor of the competition, and a solemn ceremony of its issuance was held. All participants and guests of the Games could send thematic postcards free of charge.

The young people also learned that the Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics in Samara has had a Russian Post base department since 2021. The university has become the first institution in the country to offer higher education with additional studies in postal communications. In particular, it trains specialists in applied informatics for the industry.

The final point of the journey through Pavilion No. 75 "Regions" was the Moscow stand. Here, the Director General of Russian Post spoke about digital services that enable everyone to easily and quickly make a mail delivery or subscribe to their favorite publication. At the end of the tour, all participants received postcards, which they signed and put in the Russian Post box to send to their relatives and friends.

The educational program "Excursion with Knowledge" is held within the framework of the International RUSSIA EXPO in Moscow. Every month more than 20 exclusive author's excursions are organized, led by outstanding lecturers of the Russian Society "Knowledge": scientists, athletes, public and state figures, masters of culture and art. For an independent educational walk around the Exposition, audio-guide tours are available, prepared by the "Knowledge" Society in partnership with the program "More than a Trip". And for guests with children there are family author's tours of the Russian Society "Knowledge" developed in partnership with the Soyuzmultfilm movie studio.

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