Guests of the RUSSIA EXPO were told about the role of corporate museums as cultural platforms
On April 3, the "Corporate Museums: Priority of the
Future" Forum was held at the International RUSSIA EXPO in Pavilion No. 19
"ATOM". The event was initiated by the "Corporate Museum"
National Award, "VDNH" State Enterprise and "ATOM"
The participants of the event discussed the cultural and
communication roles performed by corporate museums and noted their influence on
the development of interest in the history of the state and small homeland,
traditional values, culture and patriotism.
Natalia Nechaeva, Director of the National Award "Corporate Museum", speaking about the award itself, noted that since 2018 it has become unifying not only at the competition events, but also in online communities.
"The geography of the contest covers 40 regions of the
country, 78 cities and seven federal districts. Participants are regional
enterprises of leading companies: RZD, Gazprom, Lukoil, Sber and others,"
noted Natalia Nechaeva.
She added that over the five years 525 projects were
submitted to the contest, and 255 participants took part in it.
In turn, Maxim Lunev, Head of the Corporate Communications Department (CCD) of JSC "Russian Railways", spoke about the history of creation of the corporate museum in the Russian holding company. He emphasized that the museum system is the basis of corporate culture in his company.
"We had museums in all company branches before the
museum appeared in St. Petersburg as a major center. We have small formats
called the room of combat and labour glory. We support and develop this
activity," Maxim Lunev said.
Elena Zhuk, Deputy Director General of VDNH, recounted the
history of the creation of the Exposition of National Economic Achievements,
noting that the space of exhibition projects "has gained a foothold in the
professional museum community."
"We have become members of the International
Association and not only accept, but also participate in the "Corporate
Museum" competition. Last year the "Museum City" project was
awarded one of the prizes. This is very honorable for us. I would like to note
that "Museum City" unites 26 sites, and its core is the
"Corporate Museum"," said Elena Zhuk.
In turn, Ekaterina Mochalina, Advisor to the Director General of the "ATOM" Foundation, thanked the panelists for the productive dialog and spoke about the large exposition part of the "ATOM" Pavilion located at VDNH. "The "ATOM" Pavilion is happy to host the "Corporate Museum: Priority of the Future" Forum. Many thanks to my colleagues for the productive discussion, and I hope that all the plans and projects outlined will definitely come to fruition!" said Ekaterina Mochalina.
135 representatives of regional museums of the country's
leading companies were registered for the forum: Russian Railways JSC, GAZPROM
PJSC, USK JSC, LUKOIL PJSC, Rosatom State Corporation, Roscosmos State
INK-Capital JSC, TMK PJSC, Rosneft OC, PhosAgro GC, Uralchem JSC and Uralkali
PJSC, Goznak JSC, Magnezit Group LLC, United Confectioners Holding,
Abrau-Dyurso company, Ingosstrakh IPJSC, leading universities of the country,
as well as experts from the museum community, communications industry and many