From Sevastopol to ancient Rome: traveling back in time at the RUSSIA EXPO
Every day
at the exposition you can meet amazing heroes, both present and past. For
example, there is a Roman legion at the Sevastopol's stand. You can talk to the
ancient warriors and take pictures with them.
many people are surprised when they see Romans proudly walking on the territory
of Pavilion No. 75. The fact is that in the II century Roman garrisons stood on
the territory of Chersonesos. You can still find echoes of antiquity in the
region. For example, roads that were built by the Romans are still preserved in
the Crimea, they also left the tradition of making roof tiles. In addition to
construction, the Roman troops also fought with pirates, who in those days
actively plundered on the Black Sea.
This and
much more will be told by the reenactors from the First Legion of Minerva. By
the way, their costumes, armor and weapons are made not only realistic but also
very accurate in terms of historical truth.
"We have archaeological sources, we have pictorial sources, and relying on them we try to make our looks better and better every year. Here I have, for example, a costume of a junior officer, in modern language that would be an ensign," said the participant of the club of historical reenactment Legio I Minervia Victor Egorov.
Roman "ensign" looks very impressive, because his armor is decorated with bear skin, while the beast's mouth with teeth serves as a kind of hood. The only trouble is that it is very hot in spectacular outfits, but our heroes do not complain. Brave warriors not only take pictures with all comers, but also demonstrate the tactics of battle, traditions and customs of the Roman period of antiquity in Chersonesos I-III centuries AD.
The large-scale "Journey Across Russia" project will launch at the National Centre RUSSIA on March 1.
On March 1, the National Centre RUSSIA will launch a new large-scale project, "Journey Across Russia."
From February 21 to 23, the National Centre RUSSIA will host the III International Documentary Film Festival "RT.DOC: The Time of Our Heroes."