Inventing the Future

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Tue-Sun from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m
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The best documentary filmmakers of the country: "Knowledge.Cinema" film festival at the RUSSIA EXPO

The best documentary filmmakers of the country: "Knowledge.Cinema" film festival at the RUSSIA EXPO
Photo: Vladimir Vyatkin/Fotohost-RIA News agency

The "Knowledge.Cinema" film festival has been opened at the RUSSIA EXPO in the Atom pavilion. It is dedicated to the works of Dziga Vertov, a world-famous Soviet film director and screenwriter. He was one of the founders and theorists of documentary cinema.

Applications for participation were received from 59 regions of our country. The festival audience will see more than 20 best works. They are devoted to significant events in the history of Russia, the richness of Russian culture, peoples and unique inhabitants of the country.

The film festival includes a competition program, a discussion panel and public talks with film industry experts. And most importantly - movie screenings. The results will be summed up on December 2, there will be a total of five winners in the main categories.

"The winner of the sixth special nomination will be chosen by the participants of the "Movement of the First". Thus, we will have six winners who will receive grants to buy professional equipment for filming or internship, and, of course, all the films will be broadcast on the famous and largest Internet platforms of our", - Kirill Khvil, Deputy Director General of the Russian Society "Knowledge".

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