Plans for the World Youth Festival were discussed at the RUSSIA EXPO
Daniil Bisslinger, coordinator of the international direction of the World Youth Festival, met with ambassadors, Festival participants and heads of National Preparatory Committees at the RUSSIA EXPO and talked about further plans.
"Among the proposals are the possibility of learning Russian language for the Festival participants, continuation of international meetings in Russia and other countries, holding regional conferences for those who registered but for various reasons did not get to the WYM-2024. The issue of establishing international shifts within the framework of Russian youth forums was also discussed. The NPC representatives also voiced the issues of joint work with international communities of journalists, politicians, human rights activists, environmental communities, intensifying cultural youth exchanges, increasing the volume and dynamics of involvement of foreign representatives in educational processes in Russia and abroad," said Daniil Bisslinger.
The possibility of involving Russian foreign institutions, including embassies, trade missions and Russian Houses, was also discussed beforehand.
"Russian Houses can become centers of attraction for meetings and communication of youth international representatives," he specified.
In addition, a number of international formats will be realized within the International RUSSIA EXPO. At the WYF-2024 participants presented one hundred projects that will become the festival's legacy. Among them is the idea to create an International Association of Children's Organizations. On June 1, a meeting of the International Association of Children's Organizations will be held as part of the Exposition. The International Association will implement projects aimed at the development and popularization of cultural exchanges, social responsibility and volunteering among children and youth. The Exposition will also host the first meeting of the international community of young entrepreneurs as part of the Entrepreneurship Day on May 26. The participants will exchange the best practices of their countries, the first results of the community's work and outline the next joint activities.
The interactive format will continue at the Exposition, where visitors will be able to communicate with digital avatars of great people of the past in real time using GigaChat, for example, with Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky. On July 8 at the Exposition, the International Council of the Festival will bring together the heads of National Preparatory Committees from all regions of the world, festival ambassadors, and leaders of youth and children's organizations.
Daniil Bisslinger noted that the success of the WYF-2024 is confirmed by the fact that the interest of foreign youth in Russia, in communication and building positive relationships between foreigners and their peers from our country has increased many times.
"All continents of the world were represented at the Festival. We have 193 countries in the UN, and 189 countries registered for the Festival. A large number of kids connected online as well. Today, those who could not make it to the WYM are asking to get content in one form or another. There is a very positive response from the youth of those countries where the official governments pursue unfriendly policies towards Russia. Amicable feelings between the nations are being preserved. We are receiving a clear request to increase the level of participation and the volume of participation of young people from Western Europe and the United States," emphasized Daniil Bisslinger.
In the course of the discussion, all the participants emphasized the importance of one of the meanings of the Festival - the joint construction of a multipolar world.
The representative of Cameroon Amougou Michel Bertrand expressed his words of gratitude.
"Thank you for the fantastic organization, for the opportunity to come to Russia and meet youth representatives from all over the world. No one had ever given me such an opportunity before. The project became very useful: I met a lot of like-minded people from different countries, productive communication with whom will not end after the Festival. We keep in touch with each other and will be very happy to take part in further similar projects. If the post-Festival work continues in other venues or platforms, the delegation from Cameroon will definitely join," admitted Amougou Michel Bertrand.
Delegates from Brazil shared that at the Festival they became convinced that one should not believe everything that is written in the media about Russia.
"After coming to Russia, many of us realized that everything that is broadcast from the United States and the European Union is not always true. Here I saw that Russia first of all invests a lot in education, in young people. Russia is a multinational country that supports a multipolar world, honors traditions and cares about its future. This is not evil, as the West wants to convince us. I hope that thanks to the Festival everyone will learn about it," said Joao Ricardo, representing Brazil.
The online meeting was also attended by ambassadors and representatives of the National Preparatory Committees of India, France, Iran, Mexico, Egypt, Bulgaria and other countries.
The World Youth Festival is held in accordance with the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin in order to foster international youth cooperation.
The organizer of the World Youth Festival is the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh), the operator of the WYF-2024 is the Directorate of the World Youth Festival.