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Events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow will take place at the RUSSIA EXPO

Events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow will take place at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Vitaly Timkiv/RIA Novosti

On June 22, the Exposition will feature a large program dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, which will include thematic campaigns, concerts, performances and other events.

All-Russian campaign "Red Carnation"

On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, visitors to the expositions in Pavilion No. 75 can participate in the "Red Carnation" campaign and receive a commemorative pin in the shape of a flower. The "Red Carnation" pin is a symbol of memory and help. It can be obtained from volunteers by making any donation to the "Memory of Generations" charity foundation. All collected funds will be directed towards medical assistance for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

When: 10:00 – 20:00

Where: Pavilion No. 75

Musical and poetic composition "Requiem. Eternal Glory to the Heroes"

The Day of Remembrance and Sorrow is a special date for the Russian people. In tribute to the great generation of victors who sacrificed the most precious thing - their lives - for Victory, the Far Eastern Academic Symphony Orchestra will perform "Requiem" by composer Kuzma Bodrov, set to the poetry of Robert Rozhdestvensky. This heroic-lyrical work about the war serves as a kind of spiritual testament to subsequent generations, urging them to remember the fallen heroes and preserve peace.

When: 15:00  – 16:00

Where: Main Street Stage

Gala concert "Lest We Forget"

Finalists of the Interregional Contest for Authors and Performers of Military and Patriotic Songs "Donbass. Songs from the Frontline" will participate in the concert.

When: 17:00 – 19:00 

Where: Pavilion No. 75 (Hall A, Cultural Projects Zone)

Play "The Fate of a Man. The First Spring"

More than 50 firsthand stories from refugees and participants of the Special Military Operation and the Great Patriotic War were collected and formed the basis of this play.

When: 19:00 – 20:30 

Where: Main Street Stage

Musical performance: "Hero City. City of Memory"

On the 83rd anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, melodies from those years will be performed in the space of the Hero City of Moscow.

When: 18:00 – 18:30 

Where: Pavilion No. 75 (Hall A, Moscow space)

Commemorative events at the Sevastopol stand

For Sevastopol, this date is especially significant, as this Hero City took the first blow of the Great Patriotic War. On June 22, 1941, at 3:13, the first bombs fell on the city. The first combat order was given here, and fire was opened on the Nazis. At the Hero City stand, a minute of silence will honor those who died during the Great Patriotic War. Additionally, the military orchestra of the Sevastopol Regiment of the Southern Order of Zhukov District of the National Guard of the Russian Federation will play famous compositions such as "The Sacred War", "Cranes", "Legendary Sevastopol" and others.

When: 12:00 - 13:00

Where: Pavilion No. 75 (Sevastopol stand)

Meeting with Igor Akinfeev

The event is supported by the "Defenders of the Fatherland" Foundation. During the meeting, family members of participants and veterans of the Special Military Operation will learn about the history and traditions of the CSKA football club and have the opportunity to ask questions to the goalkeeper of the red and blues.

When: 15:00 – 16:00 

Where: Pavilion No. 59 "VEB.RF. Cities for Life Come True"

Additionally, other events of the cultural program will take place at the Exposition. 

Floral show "Moscow — My Love" as part of the "Future in Flowers" festival

Exposition guests will enjoy the floral show "Moscow — My Love" by Vyacheslav Roski, the Russian professional floristry champion, participant in the European Championship, prize-winner of numerous competitions and festivals in professional floristry, and a member of NGF. The master florist always works with unusual materials: plastic, metal, wax, various paper products and fabrics. Vyacheslav will also conduct a masterclass on creating a mini-composition "Summer in Full Swing".

When: 13:00 — 14:00 

Where: "Future in Flowers" workshop, Industry Square

Electronic music concert "Theremin and Organ: Universe of Sound"

Pyotr Termen and his students — leading masters of the theremin — will perform for the guests of the Exposition. This unique invention in the history of music was created by Soviet engineer Lev Termen (also known as Leon Theremin). The instrument, invented 100 years ago, remains one of the most futuristic and innovative today. The theremin is played by moving hands in the air, without touching the instrument, altering the parameters of the electric field.

When: 19:00 – 20:00 

Where: Pavilion No. 46 "Energy of Life" (Ministry of Energy of Russia)

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