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The awarding ceremony for the finalists of the ROSIZO "Forma-Art" Prize will take place at the National Centre RUSSIA

The awarding ceremony for the finalists of the ROSIZO "Forma-Art" Prize will take place at the National Centre RUSSIA

The final stage of the competition and the awarding of the winners of the State Museum and Exposition Centre ROSIZO "Forma-Art" Prize will be held at the National Centre RUSSIA on 16 April. This industry-specific prize will bring together professionals in the fields of development, curation, promotion, and architecture of museum and exposition projects. The main goal of the competition is to recognize the achievements of specialists engaged in the creation of exposition displays and events.

Applications for participation in the competition are already open. Private and public companies, as well as individuals and legal entities offering original engineering, digital, and logistical solutions for the development and creation of exposition spaces, are invited to apply.

Applications, selection criteria, and competition nominations are available on the website: https://премия-форма-арт.рф.

The award is open to projects implemented between 1 January and 31 December 2024. The jury will include representatives of ROSIZO, experts in museology, producers, scenographers, and leading cultural and public figures. Based on the results of the competition, a registry of professional companies specializing in the organization of exposition spaces will be compiled.

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The role of youth in the future of the Internet and digital technologies will be discussed at the National Centre RUSSIA

The future of the Internet, digital technologies, and the role of youth in their development will be discussed on April 2 at the National Centre RUSSIA during the Fifth Youth Digital Forum (Youth RIGF 2025). 

"The number one dish" of Soviet snack bars: Crimean сhebureki at the National Centre RUSSIA
Visitors to the National Centre RUSSIA can explore the rich culinary legacy of all regions of the country.
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