Inventing the Future

New airports and trillions of investments: Day of the Far East and the Arctic at the RUSSIA EXPO

New airports and trillions of investments: Day of the Far East and the Arctic at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Evgeny Biyatov/Fotohost-RIA News agency

Five million tourists and more than a trillion investments - and these are the results of the Far East in just one year. The development of the Far East regions and the Arctic was discussed at the RUSSIA EXPO by Evgenia Stulova, Executive Director of Minchenko Consulting, and Nikolay Zapryagaev, CEO of the Far East and Arctic Development Corporation (FEDC).

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared the development of these territories to be one of the priorities of state policy. The macro-region was also given a special place at the RUSSIA EXPO.

The Far East and the Arctic offer a variety of unique climate types from tropical beaches to permafrost and phenomena such as the northern lights. The largest number of projects is realized specifically in tourism - about 300.

"In almost every region we have an airport that is being built or is almost built. This significantly changes the attitude of a person who has just arrived and sees how the region welcomes them with a beautiful terminal from which they can get to a new hotel," Nikolay Zapryagaev noted.

Photo: Kristina Kormilitsyna/Fotohost-RIA News agency

In 2022, the tourist flow exceeded 2021 by 25%, and in 2023 in 9 months alone exceeded the figure of 5 million 100 thousand tourists to the Far East, which is more than for the whole of 2022.

In 2023, the increase in the Far Eastern and Arctic Hectare programs amounted to 8%. The Arctic Hectare program has only recently started, but it already has 5 thousand participants. The next stage, the expert believes, is the development of agglomerations, which require infrastructure support. The unified presidential subsidy, which is used to create infrastructure and social facilities, helps to obtain it.

Investment sites are opened for business within the framework of the Advanced Special Economic Zone (ASEZ), equipped with the necessary infrastructure to start work.

"Over 2023, projects worth 1 trillion 200 billion rubles of investment were attracted. 234 enterprises were established in the Far East and the Arctic. The task for next year is to increase these indicators," said Nikolay Zapryagaev.

Commenting on the RUSSIA EXPO performance, Nikolay Zapryagaev drew attention to the new and unique format of the event.

"The very idea that every region, both remote and nearby, is available for acquaintance is incredible. But the most important thing is the format. In addition to expositions, it is a lengthy agenda, a lengthy forum that combines stands and daily program - masterclasses, presentations. The exposition brings our remote regions closer," said Nikolay Zapryagaev.

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