Inventing the Future

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Tue-Sun from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m
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Learn Morse code, join a rescue squad and play ball hockey: active Thursday at the RUSSIA EXPO

Learn Morse code, join a rescue squad and play ball hockey: active Thursday at the RUSSIA EXPO
Photo: Kirill Kallinikov/RIA News

Orienteering and floorball, a meeting of school rescue squads and light signals for ships. In just one day at the Exposition you can learn and try more new things than in a whole month. And in the evening, relax and watch a good movie.


The Russian Student Rescue Corps is one of the largest student volunteer organizations in the Russian Federation. Thanks to the work of the corps, schoolchildren and students can learn the basics of safe living and rescuing.

Pavilion 55, April 25, 10:00 - 20:00


"Floorball" is a team sport, a type of ball hockey. At the masterclass, participants can learn the basic rules of the game, techniques of shots and passes, as well as improve their skills and abilities. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced players who want to improve their skills. Participants will receive feedback from coaches, error correction and professional advice on how to improve their game.

Pavilion 57, April 25, 10:15-11:45


Morse code is a sign coding in which letters of the alphabet, numbers and other symbols are represented as sequences of long and short signals called dots and dashes. The symbols are transmitted using special light equipment.

Pavilion 57, April 25, 12:00 - 13:30


Sports orienteering is one of the few sports where competitors act individually. That is why good psychological preparation, perseverance, determination, courage and self-control are necessary to achieve the goal.

There are two main components in the technical training of an orienteering athlete: orienteering technique (working with a map and compass) and the technique of moving on the terrain (running or walking).

Pavilion 57, April 25, 12:00 - 13:30


Ovations, flowers and fans are a thing of the past, but the vivacious old boys of Beecham House, the veteran home of the British opera scene, have no intention of giving up! Every year on Verdi's birthday they put on a gala concert. "The highlight of the program" this time should be a new resident - the former prima Jean with a complex character and feisty temperament. Will her reunion with her longtime partners be successful? Will the artists be able to renounce former ambitions and past offenses, and maybe even resurrect a forgotten love? Dustin Hoffman's dramedy in the best British tradition.

Pavilion E, April 25, 19:00 - 20:40

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